
Monday, April 29, 2013

What a week!‏ E-mail April 8, 2013

Hello Everyone!

So I'm still here in Ukraine, weird, every time we see President, which is a lot, he reminds us that we're close to the end and gives us some sort of advice. It's kind of funny. Not to mention that Elder Hair, one of the assistants is going home in our group and he's been telling everyone in the ward that we're all going home really soon. Basically, this next week will be General Conference for us, then Stake Conference, and then Easter is on May 5, so he basically said that before they knew it, we would be gone. So all of the members came up to us yesterday in a panic. Including our recent convert who was almost in tears. I was just so frustrated, we had to calm everyone down.

We got to go visit some members this week that we've never been to before, mainly because they live out in the villages and it's just now nice enough to go out there. A member of our bishopric, Denis kept telling us how far out his house was, turns out it's only like 30 minutes from our apartment. Half of our area is farther away than his house! Then the next day we went out to another member who really does live far out there, almost an hour and half away, now they're far. It's always an interesting experience to go out to the villages. It's a simpler way of life. There are really two different kinds, the first is the type of people that live out there so they can have a really nice house and live on their own. The second type is the kind that live there because that's where there family has always lived and they live in a very humble home.

We got some really good news, this week too! Our recent convert in Bila Tserkva, Angela was in Kyiv to meet with President. She had her last interview for her mission papers! Now we're all just waiting on her call! What an exciting thing to be a part of, she's just so excited about the whole thing and really wants to serve in America, we'll see what happens. We also tried to go running wasn't quite melted enough...luckily neither one of us fell.

Right now we are dealing with some more sickness. My body is just giving out...I think it's just a sinus infection, and Sister Ebeling is making me drink everything that is liquid in sight and I can only have soup. That and I can't taste anything because my nose is so clogged. It's miserable. But I got a blessing and everything will be okay. Just got to keep moving.


Sister Daniel

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