
Monday, April 29, 2013

Another Week! E-mail - March 18, 2013


Well, another week come and gone. Transfer calls also came, and we're staying put. According to the assistants this is a new record for the length of a companionship in the field. Sister Ebeling and I are going on transfer number 5 overall. Although, they told me that President doesn't really consider these next four weeks an actual transfer. So in another month we'll find out again where we will be going.

Email policy changed again, I can now write people outside of the family again, so if any one wants to email me or hear from me, we can do that.

So another reason that I think Sister Ebeling and I will be together one more transfer is that we're really just an extremely effective companionship. Luda and her family are getting baptized on the 29th. Here in Kyiv! It's so exciting. Earlier in my mission, I remember thinking, wow, all the baptisms I've seen have been people that have come out of no where there have been no struggles, nothing. Luda is finally the investigator, seven or eight months of hard work, of her coming back and then not seeing her for a while and finally she's getting baptized and not just her, but her family too! Life is just crazy.

Funny story, yesterday sister Ebeling and I were waiting for a marshrutka to the church. We normally have 3 different options but there is one that takes us the closest so we don't have to walk as far. Well, it showed up! Not only that but apparently we looked really cute yesterday because the driver let us on the bus up in his little compartment so we didn't have to pay. He's like 50 with a wife and two kids. At first I thought we were being kidnapped but I took comfort in the fact that there was a whole bus full of people. Sister Ebeling was so stiff the whole ride, I don't think she said two words. I just chalked it up to good luck, not that the bus ride is expensive at all, but just the fact that we got that bus. So we talked to him for the whole 15 minute ride. It turns out he was a nice guy, yeah, he was hitting on us, but he didn't kidnap us so I was happy. We gave him a pamphlet and invited him to church, who knows right?

Also, we met a totally special girl on the metro, she came and talked to us after we smiled at her, she'll get baptized, someday. After a week of meeting with us and expressing some doubts, she decided she needed to ask somebody if she should read the Book of Mormon. So who did she ask? The Orthodox Church. Duh! I know what they're going to tell we're taking a break from her right now. All of our members thought this was hilarious when we told them.

And there was a funeral for a church member here on Saturday. It started at noon. We left at 8:30pm after the members tried their best to stuff us with food. We weren't even there for the funeral, we had a lesson!

Sister Daniel

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