
Monday, April 29, 2013

A New Mission and A New Outlook‏ E-mail - February 26, 2013

Hello, Hello...

So thanks to some rather interesting events, I'm actually writing you from President's house today...long story. The most interesting thing about it though is that they have a German keyboard on their computer, which means that the letter y and the letter z are switched! So if something doesn't make sense, that's why. 

So you might have seen that Ukraine is getting a new mission starting July 1. Our mission is splitting and all Ukrainian speakers will be out in the Lviv Mission. I'm just glad this is happening after I leave, our mission would be cut in half and I would have a new mission president. Iäm kind of attached to the one I have now.

It's good to hear that everything is going well back home, I'm always a little bit worried that you can't make it without me.

So as for a new outlook, we had zone conference yesterday which is why I didn't email then, and President talked to us a little bit about the House of Israel and what our role is and how we fit in. I tell you, we're going to have some cool discussions at the end of my mission. I also have a list of books to read from the prophets and apostles. We just talked about what it means as members of the House of Israel and Israelites living in a Gentile world. We got President's PowerPoint so someday when I've actually wrapped mz head around this idea I can read it again and have an actual intelligent conversation about it.

Life in Ukraine is good. It's getting warmer and the snow is almost melting. Holidays have slowed down a little bit, the next big one is Easter on April 15.

That's about it. We're currently working with an 88 year old grandmother who wants to get baptized so we're going to take care of that soon. Everything's good. Say hi to grandma for me, I hope she feels better, that's quite the injury.

Love you!

Sister Daniel

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