
Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring...Just kidding. E-mail - March 11, 2013

Well, after almost transitioning into Spring, Winter has sprung her ugly head again and once more the ground is covered in snow. Mom, I'll take your 66 degrees any day.

This week was full of miracles, big and small. We got to see Luda and her sister Maria, we've been teaching them for a very long time now and they and their parents are all getting baptized at the end of the month. It's so exciting to see a whole family come to the gospel together. When it happens, it seems the whole mission knows about it, including the members. On our way to meet Luda and Maria we were on the metro, and Sister Ebeling was just being her very happy self, smiling at every one and this young girl just bounced over to sit next to us. She started talking about how much she was looking for us and wanted to know more about God. She talked about how she wanted to meet with Jehovah's Witnesses and immediately we were like "we're not JWs". She said, "I know but I want to know about this book (Book of Mormon) and what it is." Long story short, she came with us to our lesson, then went to the YSA dance afterward, then came to church yesterday, and we're having an FHE with her and a family in the ward tonight. It was absolutely amazing.

We've been focusing a lot on using the Book of Mormon for its intended purpose, to gather Israel, and it's been amazing! So many people want to read it or already have one. Of course, there are some who see it and basically run away, but those that are ready and are truly of the house of Israel recognize it immediately and have to know about it. It's so amazing that you can literally tell when you've found an Isrealite just by how they react to the Book of Mormon. It's even cooler here because there are so many people here from so many tribes. For example, Sister Karpenko is from Dan. Have you met anyone from Dan? I sure haven't. I really feel a connection as a member of the House of Israel here, our last zone conference totally changed my perspective.

We also recently learned about angels and ministering spirits, and mom, before my mission when people had dreams I was just kind of like "yeah...whatever...superstitions" but dreams matter, and it's really cool how many people here have had dreams or visions, there is this really great quote from Parley P Pratt about it. I'll try to find it, Sister Klebingat had it. But I believe that there were a lot of people trying to communicate with grandma, and hopefully she'll start to understand that too.

Anyway, that was my week. Love you all.

Sister Daniel

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