
Monday, April 29, 2013

A Great Week! E-mail - March 4, 2013

What a week!

Sister Ebeling and I had the privilege of being a part of a wonderful baptism. Olga is 88 years old. About two weeks ago her 60 something year old daughter came up to us in sacrament meeting and told us that her mother had a vision and now wanted to be baptized. At first, I was a little skeptical because, well she's 88 and has had two strokes and really it just seemed a little weird to go and teach and baptize a lady that old, but we went. And boy, does this woman have the spirit with her. You can totally tell that Heavenly Father is doing his absolute best to communicate with her. She can't see very well, or hear very well, but she is the sweetest thing.

Anyways, we wanted to make sure she was okay mentally to get baptized so we brought Sister Klebingat on the lesson with us. It was apparent to all of us that this little old babushka was definitely of sound mind and totally ready to get baptized. So president got involved, he went with us to do the interview. It was quite out of the box, President asked her I think maybe two questions and she was ready to go, but it was really cool. So yesterday, a few hours after church, Olga got baptized and confirmed. Her family are all members, but less active except for two of them. This is the picture of us with her and her family and also some ward leaders. She was baptized by a brother in the ward, the family's home teacher and one of our Assistants with President watching the whole thing. It was so cool and the spirit was definitely there.

So it was a great week, to top it all off, the girl I've been working with for a long time, Luda, her and her family accepted a baptismal date. Hopefully all four of them will be baptized together in March! She's in the other picture. Miracles never cease. Ever.

I'm still running every morning, I'll send you a picture of the morning run today. Love you all!

Sister Daniel

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