
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hello! E-mail October 29, 2012

Hello Family!

Well, it's been another week here in the mission field and winter is upon us. Living in a country that uses Celsius instead of Farenheight is interesting. We've been in single digits all week and automatically it makes your bones hurt just to think about it, but in reality it's really like a manageable 30-something degrees. We've been going back and forth on our temperatures, extremely cold, then back to warm.

This will be a very interesting few weeks for us here in Borshahivsky. We get to go on two exchanges! Exchanges are a time that we spend with other missionaries to train and to learn from one another. So this week the Cherkassy sisters are coming here. Sister Chang will work with Sister Wease, love her, she's so funny. And I will get to work with Sister Filipovska. They're both younger than us in the mission so Sister Chang and I will be doing a little bit of training, it should be really fun. Then next week is normal Kyiv sisters exchanges. I'll work in Center Kyiv, I'm so excited it is so pretty there, very European. With Sister O'Neil. She's in the same group as sister chang so this time I'll be the one getting trained. Fun!!

So we've been walking a lot. We've learned or are learning the art of layering, and we're definitely getting our excersize in. We were out one night and Sister Chang said that she was tired. And she was tired because she's not used to walking in her winter clothes yet! It takes a lot of extra energy to walk with our winter clothes.

Good to hear about what's going on with the election. The reason we haven't heard much here is because Ukraine had it's own election yesterday. We were over at a members and they couldn't tear themselves away from the TV watching the results come in. We had to calm the contention sometimes. One time we were talking and the two ladies started going at it. So I said, "here's my family!" and we amused them with my pictures. Mom you'll be very happy to know that all Ukrainian women think you are very pretty.

As for Christmas, I assume that we will Skype. If we don't go to a member's house, we'll be at an internet cafe. I don't know what day Christmas is on, but they don't really celebrate Christmas on the Catholic date Dec. 25, they more commonly celebrate it earlier in December.

As for presents. I don't really need anything. By the time Christmas rolls around I'll only have four months left. Maybe you could just buy me a few movies or something and they can wait until I get home.

Love you!

Sister Daniel

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