
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Another Week! E-mail -- October 8, 2012

Hello Family!

Another week come and gone and I'm here with a new companion. Sister Chang
is awesome! She's nearly done with her mission which means she gets to
teach me how to be the most effective missionary I can be. She's the bomb
at Russian and is even making me learn our purpose and D&C 4 in Russian. I
may come back being able to speak both Ukrainian and Russian. She's from
Taiwan and has been telling me about life there. Apparently there is more
food readily available. That would be what she tells me, the girl loves to

It's been kind of weird without Sister Moore, always is when you first
switch. There's like this panic stage when you realize you're with someone
new and they don't know your area, only you do, and you feel totally lost
without your former companion. Then you quickly realize how awesome of a
missionary you really are and how much you do know. It's an interesting

The change in the missionary age has been the talk of the mission, and of
the International Branch. One thing I've noticed while serving here, if you
want to know what's going on...ask the Americans that live here! My
district leader called me Saturday night and asked me if I'm ready to train
a 19 year old at the end of my mission. (We won't actually watch conference
until this next week)

Life in Ukraine is awesome, especially when you have a companion who
understands everything, it's been really weird because my last two
companions and I were all on the same language level.

I don't really know what else to say except for I love you all! Have a
great week!


Sister Daniel

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