
Thursday, October 18, 2012

An influx of revelation (aka General Conference)‏ E-mail October 15, 2012

Hello Family!!

Well, it's been another week here in Ukraine and while it's fall for you mom, we're definitely on our way to winter here. Or what American winter would be at least! Don't worry, I'm staying warm, the heat finally came on so we're staying rather toasty in our apartment. Ukraine has an interesting heating system. Basically it is hot water running through the pipes. It's actually really effective.

We had the opportunity to watch General Conference here this weekend. It was awesome! We watched the Saturday and Sunday afternoon sessions with the International Branch so we got to see them in English, and then Sister Chang and I decided to watch the Sunday Morning session with our local ward. They played it in Russian, so I'll probably watch it again at some point, or wait for the Liahona to show December. One thing I thought was really interesting during conference was the music, just some interesting arrangements, and selections. Life in another language is an interesting phenomenon during conference. I find when you sincerely pray to Heavenly Father for help, he'll deliver. Despite my lack of knowledge when it comes to Russian I still have a page full of notes from that session.

We've met some really interesting people in the last week. Each time we met them we really felt that the Lord had lead us there. We're hoping, praying, and working for a baptism soon, so I hope that we'll be able to share in someones joy. One sister just came into the mission and had a baptism that week. What a blessing that is. I remember in my first few weeks in Virginia and baptizing Norma there, it is an incredible boost to see someone in the waters of baptism.

There's not much more to say, I'm praying for you! Share the gospel. Lighten someones load. Love you!

Sister Daniel

PS- I've sent in a ballot request so I hope to vote in a few weeks!

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