
Monday, October 1, 2012

Transferes! E-mail - October 1, 2012

Well, the dreaded (or highly anticipated depending on your experience) six week mark is on us once again and Sister Moore is headed out to Lviv and I'll be staying here in Kyiv. My new companion will be Sister Chang. I've been on exchanges with her twice and I really like her. She's from Taiwan and is so funny. She also rocks at the mission language...well, her mission language which is Russian. Yep, I'm headed back into a companionship with a Russian speaker. It's a good thing we both speak English or our companionship unity might suffer. The last time we were on exchanges we had someone ask us if she spoke Russian and I spoke Ukrainian, how did we communicate. We just looked at her (she's a returned missionary) and told her, we speak in English. She also speaks Chinese so I might come back speaking more than one new language.

Mom, I think it's really interesting that you're taking an ASL class. I'm learning RSL/USL here. This isn't a joke actually, some members in our ward are deaf and they teach me how to say things every Sunday, it's fun. It's also cool that you're painting the entire house (or making John do it). I know that you've wanted to do that for a long time. I'm finally sending out postcards this week, one will be coming to you so let me know when you get it. Also, Sister Ricks, the office sister should have sent you some information on a hotel that is here in Kyiv close to the temple, I hope you got it. My official release date is May 1, and she said that you could come in April 30 and after departure meetings I could just be released to you. That's actually a really good time of year to be here, I'm not looking forward to winter coming. Hopefully I'll be warm enough. I think I'm going to buy better boots.

Zach, your email was very creative. I'll have you know that I read it out loud every week. Sister Moore always laughs with me. I hope everything is going okay at school. Keep your head above water and your GPA up. It's important. Also don't forget, no matter how good a date, you can't get married before I get back! That's an order!

John, you haven't written me so there's nothing to say.

But seriously, I love you all and definitely feel your love and support so thanks so much. The mission is great, trucking along. I'm hoping I'll be able to send you baptism pictures this transfer. Scary thought: at the end of this next transfer in a month and a week, it will be my one year mark!

I ran the 5k this week, President was very impressed. He bragged to the seventy that was here visiting, Elder Don Clarke. My face was redder than a tomato. After our special conference with Elder Clarke, on Saturday, Sister Moore and I ran to the temple from our apartment. Not an easy task. I'm excited to come home and run with you mom.

Love you all!

Sister Daniel

PS, If you want to keep up with my study, I finished the Book of Mormon a while ago. New goal: Read the New Testament. After that, I'm going to work on the Doctrine and Covenants. A cool section I found today in the Old Testament. Proverbs 31:10-end of chapter describes a virtuous woman. I thought it was really cool.

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