
Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Fall in the Ukraine.... E-mail - October 22, 2012

Hello Family!

Well another week here in Ukraine come and gone. With it were four cold fronts from Siberia. It's kind of a joke back home about how cold Siberia is, then you live in a place where you feel their leftovers! It's definitely not a joke. We've got a nice warm day here today again, and according to the lady at the coat store we'll be in for another really cold day tomorrow. (she might have said that because she wanted me to buy a coat...well it worked!)

Halloween in Ukraine isn't really celebrated all that much. I think it's becoming increasingly bigger as the years pass, there are a couple of big Halloween parties being advertised here in Kyiv. It's interesting how American traditions are slowly leaking into the rest of the world.

Speaking of America, anyone want to tell me what's going on with the election? I signed up online to get a ballot so hopefully that will happen and I'll get to vote online. But all we get are snipets from President and seeing as he's German, I don't know how much actually gets through. When we asked him if we could have time to do absentee ballots he said..."only if you're voting for Romney!" President Klebingat reminds me a lot of John sometimes.

We had the awesome opportunity to hear from Elder Steven E Snow (the church historian and recorder) and some of his associates today. They were here touring the country and talking to members about how it was when the church first started here. He told us how much of a miracle it is that things like the stake, and the temple have happened here.We got to meet them and shake their hands, they talked a lot about recording our experiences on our missions. We had stake conference this weekend and all of the leaders spoke. It was really fun to watch President Klebingat speak in Russian and President Gailbrath (the temple president) bear his testimony in Russian. You can see how much they both love the people here.

I had a neat experience with a lady named Galina the other night. When she first started talking she went on and on about how she was a doctor, but couldn't afford anything. Meanwhile, doctors in America are highly established. At first, it was really hard for me to have love and truly be there for her, but about halfway into the conversation I started praying that I would find love for this woman. Almost immediately it was as if I could see her whole life before me, the struggles she had had, how hard she had worked. Life seemed to take on a new meaning and suddenly I knew that the Lord loved her so much and he trusted us enough to have that time with her, to strengthen her and give her comfort and hope. By the end of our conversation, we were laughing and her whole countenance had changed. I'm so grateful that the Lord gives me many opportunities to help change the lives of others. It is a great blessing.

I hope everyone had a great week. Zach, I expect a doubly long letter next week.

Sister Daniel

PS Mom, thanks so much for the card, and please tell Candy I got hers, and I loved it!

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