
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Another week in Ukraine‏! E-mail November 26, 2012

Well another week here in Ukraine. The girl that we've been working with, Luda (she's 19 a university study studying biology) has agreed to baptized toward the end of December. Also we met her sister this week and she also said she would read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. It's been a long road with her, and we still have a long way to go to see her baptized but we're really excited.

We've also been working a lot with the part member families in our ward. There is one couple the wife is a member and the husband is not, but we're seeing a lot of progress with him, however, he's a really slow go. We also have another husband we're teaching who reminds me a lot of John, attitude, countance, everything. I hope he had a good birthday this week. I sent out birthday cards to both Mom and John this week sorry they'll be late.

About the package coming is it the type of package that can wait until Christmas or can I open it because things are wrapped? Let me know:).

Thanksgiving for us was uneventful, Ukrainians are very interested as to where that holiday actually comes from. The men really seem to like the idea of a holiday where the women cook all day, they eat all day and watch sports. Several requested that their families start celebrating Thanksgiving. I made tacos and Sister Chang and I went out and worked, that was our day. I know that a lot of missionaries went to a senior couples' to celebrate and had great food but we kept walking. It's getting cold, but not dreadful yet. At least until you have a 20 minute conversation on the street where you just stand still, then you start to feel it.

The Christmas party is coming along. I'll send you pictures when it happens. It's on your birthday mom.

Okay, now the big favor. Missionaries who were not born in the church are a rarity here in Ukraine and everyone always asks me about our conversion, honestly I don't remember a whole lot. Can everyone write what they remember and send it to me. People are always interested and I don't have much to tell them that I can remember. Hope all is well.

Love you all.

Sister Daniel

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