
Monday, December 3, 2012

Hello Hello From the SNOW!!!‏ E-mail - December 3, 2012

Hi Everybody!!!

So first note, it's snowing here, I guess Heavenly Father liked Sister Chang's prayers more than mine. She's from Taiwan and will be going home to Taiwan in a couple of weeks, where they very decidedly do not have snow, ever. So she wanted some before she left. Well, she got her wish.

Mom, Sister Chang wrote you a note on her blog and her's updates automatically so you should see it today. She got an email her dad today, her parents live in China right now, but her mom is heading back to Taiwan for a little bit and her dad said that she was packing her bags. Well she packed his small bag full of edible tree fungus and skin of bean curd. This is what she makes me eat. Not really she stops at curry and just laughs at me when I won't eat the fish.

It's always crazy to me serving in this area, on one hand because you get to see how precious the temple is to people. They come from all over the area. Apparently it is the largest temple district in the world and we're always running into Russians, Armenians, Bulgarians. They come by bus, train, and the Americans come by airplane. They love the temple and for some of them it will be their only time. I've learned a lot about the temple and how precious it is by serving here.

The second thing I've learned about serving here is that Americans live and exist outside of the United States. Katja Klebingat (president's daughter) was helping us out last night and she was shocked to find out that this is my first time out of the states. She's lived in the states and everywhere in Europe, Russia to Germany. She couldn't understand how I could exist only staying in the states. I told her she'd find out when she goes to BYU next year. But anyway, they all exist just fine. They live like Americans and have really cool experiences. There are international schools for their kids, a whole network of them actually. It's really opened my eyes and expanded my horizons about what I could do for the rest of my life.

Don't freak out mom, I don't want to go live in Europe right away, and I'll stay near a major airport :).

Read Sister Chang's blog for a story on the anti-Christ we met this week, he was way fun. She's writing stories purposefully for you today.

We're still working a lot with part-member families here, maybe that's what has sparked my interest in our conversion, what I wouldn't give to see our teaching record! We're working with a part-member with an alcoholic husband he's hilarious and in some respects reminds me of certain family members. Life is always really interesting when you look at it from a missionary perspective.

Love you all!

Sister Daniel

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