
Friday, December 21, 2012

HELLO!! E-mail - December 10, 2012

Hello Everyone!

Well, just when I thought it couldn't get any colder, winter finally hit here in Ukraine. Ice and snow abound and I've only fallen on my butt three times! I thought that was a really good sign, and then I realized that we've really only had a bunch of snow on the ground for about a week. I might be in for a long winter with a very sore lower body...pray for me.

It's weird to think that I'll be sending home Sister Chang next week. She's wrapping things up and starting to pack. It's taking me back to my trainer and when I sent her home. There's not so much anxiety now as there was then. She's been passing down all of her knowledge to me, and some Chinese food, which is fun. Speaking of food, we went to one of the embassy families for dinner last night, and after a real American meal, they gave us food to take home! She gave us Lucky Charms and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. It was so cool. I'm not going to lie though, the whole time I was just staring at the JIF creamy peanut butter in her cupboard. Now I know why I've lost weight on my mission.

I did get my Christmas package from you and the Wagstaffs. Thank you so much! I immediately hid everything so that I wouldn't be tempted to open them. Out of sight, it's kind of working. I finally broke down the other morning and decided I wanted to peek in the stocking, but mom you know me way too well. I went to go see what was in it, and every thing was wrapped!! I couldn't help it, I bursted out laughing, and then I felt bad and went and repented. I think being a missionary is good for me, at least I know that I'm much more repentant now.

We had a mission conference with Elder Bennett of the 70 this week. It was an amazing training on how to have more charity and what it really means to love yourself and love others as yourself. It resulted in us having 11 sisters in our apartment to take showers and to sleep. It was crazy! We are continuing to meet with Luda, she is still set to be baptized on December 22, but in order for that to happen a lot of work will need to be done. But I'm keeping confidence and faith. We're also helping out with the elders' investigator, Valentina and she will be baptized on the 29th. A busy December for us. But some stress is off, our Christmas pary has been cancelled. It was a bummer, but for the best.

As for skyping on Christmas, I'm not sure when we will but it will probably be earlier in the day, we have an invitation to a family for Christmas day, so I would suggest looking presentable when we skype, they'll probably want to meet you. Everything will be fine with a new companion. I'll be able to tell you more next week because I'll "officially" know who my companion will be. more side note. I wouldn't make any reservations for your trip out here, on the missionary grapevine we've been told that our release dates are changing a little bit. I have no idea how, but hopefully I'll know more soon. I just didn't want you to get stuck with any reservations you can't get out of.


Sister Daniel

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