
Friday, December 30, 2011

What A Day!!! E-mail Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Today is P-day, obviously, and today our district had the awesome
opportunity to clean the temple! The sisters got to clean the Bride's room.
One of the other sisters that cleaned with us said this is our last test to
see if we really are meant to be missionaries. LOL. It was gorgeous and we
were talking to the woman in charge, did you know that when they clean the
chandeliers in the temple they have to take it apart piece by piece wearing
cotton gloves? When the Provo Temple is cleaned in July they do it and the
sisters get to help!

Well this week was Christmas, and I got to email on Sunday so I don't know
how much more has happened. I have a lot of pictures from the celebrations
but I'll have to send them next week because they're not printed yet. I got
a flashlight shaped like a pig from Sister Moore's family. She says "thank
you" for her gift by the way. The Wagstaffs sent me a nice pair of leather
gloves that are lined with cashmere. Along with a black scarf and a big bag
of kisses. I'm not sure if you got my Christmas card yet, but I sent one to
Grandma, Aunt Barb, Zach, the Wagstaffs, and the Silvesters too. So like I
told you on Sunday we got to have Sacrament meeting with Elder Bednar. Then
Elders Ward and Schraedel went missing for a couple of hours. Turns out
Elder Ward has some connections and got to meet Elder Bednar. We teased him
the rest of the day.

Then we opened presents together, all 13 Ukrainians piled into our
classroom with our presents and opened them. I love my gifts! The brushes
are so nice, and the pen is gorgeous. The sweaters all fit, I like them a
lot. One thing I really love is the foam ball. How did you know I needed
something to act as a stress ball that is also soft enough to throw at the
elders when they get annoying? As you might imagine it was a little
difficult being sick over the holiday. When I went to the InstaCare, well
I'm still not sure he was a doctor, the guy that I saw. He said I didn't
have strep but had a lot of congestion pressure. He gave me some ear drops,
nasal spray, and magic mouthwash. I think I got better just because I
really didn't want to use the mouthwash anymore. I do feel much better,
just trying to get over the last of the runny nose. I promise that next
time I'll be more proactive about getting antibiotics. Had the clinic here
been open I'm sure they would have given me some.

I'm glad Zach got transferred. I know that he'll have fun in that area. And
Zach, take advantage of having sisters, they're awesome!

It's been interesting with a new group of Russians here, sometimes we're
really pushed to get moving with our language, but most of the time, I just
remember that there was a time when I didn't know anything like them. We've
decided as a district that we will be SYLing (speaking your language)
everyday except Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. It's been hard but also fun.
So we got to watch 2 movies over Christmas. A Christmas Carol and Mr.
Kruger's Christmas. It was really fun. We did everything as a family this
past weekend. I have a feeling that we'll all be friends for a long time.

Well, this email has been pretty spastic, but I just wanted to tell you
different things. I'll write more in my letter.

Love You!

Sister Daniel

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