
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Letter - Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hello Family!

Well, it's P-day again and once more I'm sitting here writing as my laundry is going.  We made it a goal to here by 6:30 this morning, it was still a zoo.  Apparently some missionaries have been here since 6 AM... that's dedication.  Well, I would tell you its been just another week here at the MTC, but it was a pretty special week.  Our Apostle count is officially at tow:  Elder Russel M Nelson and his fie Sister Wendy Watson Nelson (I LOVE HER) were here on Thanksgiving.  They gave an awesome devotional.  Then we did one massive service project and at the end of the night we watched "17 miracles"  Don't worry Mom, they did feed us the traditional turkey dinner, but it didn't even compare to yours.  Thanksgiving night they turned on the Christmas lights here at the MTC, they did a really nice job with them.  Overall, it was a great day.  I have about three pages on it in my journal.  I've made a goal that I want to write everyday in my journal.  Before I made the goal I missed one day, but then on my entry for the next day, I wrote about the day I missed too.  I think my mission journals will be something I treasure.  I know that my teachers do.

So I'm now continuing this letter hours later, after I've emailed you,  by the way I spelled lover wrong!!
Writing emails is stressful at the MTC, there is this timer up in the corner that turns red at five minutes left and somehow when it turns red, you seem more inspired to write and you want to write a lot more.  Mom, I have been getting your packages and I am VERY grateful for them.  P-days are always a little weird for those of us who have it on Wednesdays because all of the new missionaries come in and you get this nostalgic feeling and you remember the day you came in.

The Russians in our zone are getting ready to leave.  They get their travel plans tomorrow.  Then leave 10 days after.  Once they're gone the new ones com in on December 21st.  There are 53 new Russians coming and about half of them will be in our zone.  By the time they come in, we'll be halfway done with the MTC. So, as I've mentioned in my email we're all making really funny mistakes with Ukrainian.  My biggest problem right now is that in Ukrainian the P's make R sounds and I keep wanting to say the P sound.  i understand much more than I can speak.  Although, I did get a boost of confidence this week.  our investigator (Sasha) is having trouble receiving answers to his prayers so instead of teaching him an actual lesson we just answered his questions about prayer and testified.  After the lesson, Brother Fiel (teacher who is Sasha) told us that "Sasha" felt the spirit for the first time when we testified. 

So, Zach sent me a package this week and it was rally cool of him. I hope he doesn't expect anything from Ukraine because I don't know if I'll be able to send him stuff.  Well, P-day is only so long and I have some more letters to write, but I'm going to include some pictures and hopefully you can scan them and put them on the blog.

Love You!

Sister Daniel

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