
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Week, New Russians, and Broken Blood Vessel... E-mail December 21, 2011

Hello Everyone,
I can't believe it, but today is exactly 6 weeks since I left the great state of Kentucky and entered the MTC! A whole transfer! Crazy! As the title says we're gearing up for Christmas here at the MTC. We got our schedule on Sunday and it seems like we might get some pretty cool visits. We have firesides on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the evenings, we get to watch MOVIES and we have a huge sacrament meeting with all of the missionaries together with a general authority. Last night was devotional night and there was lots of speculation because we got an apostle the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, but it ended up being L. Whitney Clayton, who is in the presidency of the 70. He was awesome!! We also have time to write a letter home on Christmas day, so I'm going to write Christmas cards today and a longer one on Christmas when more things have happened. I have gotten everyone's packages. It's been so nice. A big shout out to the Wagstaffs who sent me a package that I opened early and the Silvesters for their great card. They were so appreciated. (Mom I need the address for the Wagstaffs, could you Dear Elder it to me?) I have so much food in my room. Grandma sent me three huge containers of peanut butter balls, everyone loves them though so I don't know if they will last until Christmas. I got my Christmas presents from you mom, I love the "No peeking, Santa's watching" wrapping paper. Got your cookies yesterday mom, shared them at our district devotional review. I refused to share the fudge though. The pumpkin chocolate chip cookies were gone in a flash! Plus grandma sent me this HUGE loaf of banana bread, I don't know if I'll ever be able to even share it all! So our district, and the other Ukrainians 13 in all are one big family here at the MTC, so even though none of us will be home it will still be a family affair. We have plans to open our gifts together, and yes mom, I'll send pictures.
So the second part of my title, the new Russians come in today. We're really excited to get 6 new sisters, one of which is going to Kyiv, Russian speaking. All of the teachers are giddy to get a new bunch, it's really cute. We decorated the new sister's door last night in our residence hall and we plan to welcome them as they come in this week. We kind of don't know what to do with ourselves today with no temple time. I think I told you that the temple is closed for a few weeks but our district got really lucky and we'll be able to clean the temple next week! As for the last thing in my title, I was playing volleyball and of course there are some elders who can just launch the ball over the net. Thanks to my catlike reflexes I put my hands up just in time ending up giving me a broken blood vessel in my palm instead of a broken nose. My hand was full of interesting colors for a couple of days.
I'm excited that Zach got a mini missionary that seemed to dispel at least a little bit of the tension. Sister Moore and I have far from the perfect companionship, but we're totally honest with one another and that has helped a lot. We have about 2 companionship inventories a week, but I've noticed a definite improvement this week as we have increased our companionship study. I truly do love her, she has such a strong spirit and it is nice to know that I'm not the only one with problems. A big part of our companionship this week was me comforting her. She's a great missionary and I'm really proud to be her companion. Along with my broken blood vessel, while she was playing four square this week she smacked heads with one of the Ukrainian elders. Elder Tribett. She came out of it with a black eye. We were quite the match this week.
Well, I don't really know what else to say. Give Zach some love from me when you talk to him this week, and I'm looking forward to our phone call. Ukrainian is a trial and whenever I'm in the same area as some Spanish speaking missionaries I lament thinking about how much easier that would be but the Lord knew I needed a challenge.
Time's up! Love you!
Sister Daniel

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