
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another "P" Day! E-mail December 14, 2011

Wow. This is our fifth Wednesday which means by the MTC schedule this is Week 6 and after this week we're halfway done with the MTC. This week was kind of strange. We became one of the three senior districts in our zone. All of the Russians left either Monday or Tuesday heading off to Russia and Ukraine, our floor is very quiet. Both zones are really small and will stay that way until next week. Next week we get 53 new Russians, they be spread between the two zones I think we're getting about 15 of them. But right now it's weird, the mafia floor is deserted. We call it the mafia floor because our entire floor is Russians, Ukrainians, and Italians. Upstairs are the Germans and all of the really weird European languages. Downstairs are the ASL (sign language) missionaries and missionaries learning English. Let's just say our TALL labs are ALWAYS busy. We end up going across the way to the English building to use the computers.
Your pictures look awesome, it looks so pretty there. I'm halfway through my letter to you so some of this might be a repeat. It's snowing here, nothing really sticking but it's been snowing two days straight. It's not really that cold though. I did find Sister Hernandez today, I knew she was coming in so I was waiting for her (one of the benefits of having your p-day on Wednesday). My friend Becca that I was talking to you about last week Dear Eldered me. She's coming in the week before I leave in January so it will be fun to see her.
I can't believe it's so close to Christmas! Sister Elaine S Dalton, the YW general president was here last night and spoke to us. She was telling us the Christmas story and used it in a very interesting way. She talked about how we receive and how we should act when we receive gifts from the Lord. A large portion of her talk was devoted to talking about the paths God puts us on. I have a huge testimony of that, that life never seems to work out the way you want it to. But the Lord knows us right, and gives us what we need. So I love Dear Elder. From the looks of it, and what I've heard, we get the letters the same day you write them if you get them in before noon our time. They always come with the evening mail drop. It sounds like you're just about ready for Christmas, you'll hear about how we're getting ready in my letter this week.
So one thing I've found interesting so far on my mission is that more than learning anything else, I'm learning a lot about myself which has been a really cool experience. I've learned that I'm way cooler than I thought I was. I've learned that I have some of the coolest friends. I've learned that I am extremely blessed. I've learned a lot of my weaknesses and also some of my strengths. I'm so very grateful for the group of Ukrainian sisters, we're all really good friends and are always there for each other. I've also learned that on a mission every emotion that you have is connected to your tear ducts. Sister Moore and I have a joke that one of us is always crying in our companionship. It's been a crazy month and some change and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to serve.
I wish I could write more, but I had a lot to read this week between Mom's emails and Zach's email so my time is just about up.
Love you all,
Sister Daniel

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