
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas E-mail December 25, 2011

Dear Family,
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!  I'm sure right now you're skyping with Zach and he's telling you about Christmas in California. It's probably really warm there. We don't have snow, but it is bitterly cold. This computer keeps freezing every few seconds so if something doesn't make sense that's why.
It's probably freezing because they have so many people on the computers right now. Well they keep us busy here for sure. We just got out of our sacrament meeting. Probably the largest one I'll ever be in. There are 2000 missionaries in the MTC right now and I kind of had this thought that this is probably what it was like when Christ fed the thousands of people in the New Testament. So I'm sure you're probably wondering who spoke today. We just got out of Sacrament Meeting with Elder Bednar. I'm probably the only one the in family who's done that. We haven't opened presents yet because we haven't had time to do it together and that was one of the requirements. We go to lunch next and then we'll open our presents. We got to watch a Christmas Carol last night that was fun.
So I'm going to tell you what happened this week, and mom you can't freak out! Sister Moore and I got to go to Babylon. I woke up on Friday morning and just felt terrible and after one look at the puss on my tonsils, Sister Moore decided I needed to see the doctor at the clinic. But because it was the day before Christmas Eve they weren't open so they sent me to the Instant Care in Provo. The reason they did this is the on call doctor at the MTC wanted a strep test done. Well turns out, I don't have strep, but the doctor did give me Magic Mouthwash that numbs my throat, nasal spray, and ear drops. I'm not feeling much better yet so I may have to go back to the clinic here on campus on Monday. But all in all a very exciting day outside of the gates. Needless to say, I'm a little bit disappointed that I'm sick on Christmas. Okay, I'm going to send this one and read your email.
Sister Daniel
...So we got really good seats today for the sacrament meeting. We were front and center right in front of Elder Bednar. We're having fun and keeping our spirits up here. Last night there was a devotional in which they organized the nativity story. It was really funny in certain parts because the costumes were so lame and the missionaries playing the parts looked really uncomfortable. When we got back to the residence hall, the Italian sisters and the Ukrainian sisters teamed up and put on our own version of the nativity. When I get some copies of the pictures I'll send them to you. We also plan on taking plenty of pictures during present opening today. Ukrainian is coming along. It's weird the new Russian sisters think that we know so much, we don't feel that way. I may or may not write you a letter yet today it will depend on how much time I have.
Well another story from this week is that Sister Moore's family and her boyfriend keep sending her food. It's so funny because she had two packages come that were wrapped like presents so she didn't open them. Her mom emailed her and told her to open it because it had cream cheese in it. It had been sitting in our room for a week. Her next package that was wrapped was from her boyfriend. She's had it for a while and didn't open it until this morning, full of carrots. Didn't smell very nice. Her mom tried sending a package two more times with cream cheese in it. One got here, but they took the cream cheese out, the other finally got to her. I told her to write her mom and tell her we don't have refrigerators and there is cream cheese in our vending machines (because of bagels) that should solve the problem. Nothing much else going on...Have a good Christmas, and say hi to Zach for me!!
Love you lots!!
Sister Daniel 

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