
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Transfer Week in the Home Area‏ E-mail - August 27, 2012

Hi Family!

So this week was really interesting. It was transfer week and even though Sister Moore and I are not getting transferred, since we're in the area with the mission office/mission home we end up hosting a lot of those who are transferring. This meant that all week we had about 5 sisters in our apartment. Needless to say by the end of the week we were really tired. It was really cool to spend time with all of them though. Sister Stiles went home this week, that's just kind of weird because she's Sister Ebeling's trainer so by default she was kind of like the mom of the Ukrainian speaking sisters. Sister O'Neil who is a Russian speaking sister is getting sent out to Lviv. That never happens because they only speak Ukrainian out there. It gives me hope that maybe I'll be able to serve a transfer in Odessa at some point. It would be really cool to run into some long lost relatives.

So we spent a lot of time on the streets this week just talking with people. We do this a lot. You meet some of the most interesting people. We have a couple of solid investigators right now. Luda is 19. She's studying at a University here and she's totally solid, reads the Book of Mormon, comes to church. I really hope I get to see her in white and in a baptismal font soon. We also have Olga. She's funny, I like her a lot. She teaches philosophy at a university and is extremely intelligent. When we first found her, she had a lot of misconceptions of the church, like women in the church are uneducated. I did my best to disprove that one. I think she's going places too.

Sister Moore and I are in matching yellow today. I'm running out of things to say. Zach, are you excited about school? Where are you living? You're going to have so much fun!

I don't know what else to say.

So I love you... Have a good week!

Sister Daniel

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