
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Behind the Iron Curtain‏ E-mail - September 10, 2012


Well, according to the Ukrainians it is officially fall. Fall starts on the first of September and apparently even the weather listens to the babushkas. The temperature has dropped and we can now see our breath in the morning when we go running. We had zone conference this last week, President went in depth with the Plan of Salvation, it was really cool. We also talked a lot about just telling people what our purpose is when we meet them on the street. In case you don't understand that means telling people on the street that we want to baptize them! It's actually started some really great conversations.

This week I've been continuously amazed at the strength of the members here. They come out and help us and just tell of their conversion stories and you just know that the Lord puts people in certain places for a reason. In International branch this week the stake president came and spoke. He gave his whole talk in English! President Konchenko is so cool. He came up to us before the meeting (we had met him and had a lesson with him and an investigator about a month ago) and told us this joke. Well, first he asked us what language we spoke, when we replied "Ukrainian" he immediately switched from Russian into Ukrainian something that a lot of people here have trouble with. So here was the joke (he said it in Ukrainian so this is a rough translation). He had a Chinese friend who worked here in Kyiv. He studied and spoke Russian fluently. He met this girl, also from China but she only speaks Ukrainian. President Konchenko asked them how do you understand one another if one of you speaks Russian and the other Ukrainian. The man said..."easy, when we're together we speak in Chinese". Maybe you had to be there but watching him it was like an older Ukrainian man telling a joke to his two granddaughters, he was so cute!

He's also an extremely smart and spiritual man. He joined the church in 1994. The church had been here for 2 years. He was approached by two missionaries on the street. He accepted it and got baptized, it wasn't until a year later that he even had Doctrine and Covenants in Russian! He's also a physicist. He talked today about Neil Armstrong and how he remembered when he walked on the moon. One of my favorite things about serving here is talking to the older generation who were living here at the time of communism. I never thought I would be able to see how life really was for them here, but I've seen pictures and heard their stories and felt their pain. President Konchenko said that one reason he stopped and talked to the missionaries is because they had a Book of Mormon, he said at that point in their country they weren't even allowed to open the Bible.

What a beautiful thing the gospel is, it unites people. A physicist from the former USSR and a 23 year old American girl believe the same things, have the same hopes, understand and rely on the same Savior. How blessed I am to see the gospel change lives, and to see my life improve is merely a really great side effect.

LOVE YOU ALL! Keep sharing the gospel.

Sister Daniel

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