
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Swan Lake and Chernobyl‏ E-mail September 17, 2012

Hello Family,

I realize this is a little later in the day but we had to change our p-day schedule around a bit. Really what it was is that we have this part-member family in our ward, Andrei and his wife Svitlana. Svitlana isn't a member and we really want to baptize her, she's actually a former who found the church for her husband. Well, now her husband wants her to get baptized so that they can get sealed in the temple. I think this is a great idea! So we tried to meet with her. The thing is she works on Sundays so she took off right after Sacrament Meeting, so as any good missionary would do, I chased her down. I mean really, the woman comes to church every week, and her husband has been a member for about 3 years and is totally solid, she needs to meet with us. So we asked her about life, and before we could get to the part about us meeting with her she said she works at a salon. Well, Sister Moore has been needing a haircut. So she said come tomorrow (today, Monday) so we went, expecting her to be there to cut Sister Moore's hair, and she wouldn't let Sister Moore pay for it. We got there, and she wasn't there, but it turns out she's like the boss at this salon and they wouldn't let Sister Moore pay them! So Sister Moore got a free haircut but we didn't get a new investigator. Will someone please tell this woman that all we really want to do is meet with her so she can be baptized, get sealed in the temple, and have eternal happiness?

So after that debacle in center Kyiv, Sister Moore and I decided to hang out there today. Center Kyiv is beautiful and I definitely feel like I'm serving in Europe when I spend time there. We decided to go to the Chernobyl museum, and it was awesome! They have these headsets you can wear so that you can hear the whole display in English. It was really interesting and kind of uneasy feeling. I think I have a whole new perspective on the situation because I live here and have totally fallen in love with the people. They are so resilient, they take everything in stride and even the oldest grandma won't let you help her with the sack of potatoes she's carrying on her back. (or the basket of mushrooms she's got...there must be a mushroom convention in Kyiv today)

This last week we actually had the majority of our p-day on Thursday night. We went with the Ricks (the office couple) and Elders Newton and Newman (our zone leaders) to see Swan Lake. It was incredible. The ballet dancers here are so precise and the theater is really cool. Sister Ricks did a really good job picking out the seats. The theater here still has individual chairs for every person. I took a lot of pictures but forgot to bring my camera to Internet today.

This coming week we have exchanges so for a few days I'll be on left bank in Voskresensky. I've never been there in that part of Kyiv, but I'll be with Sister Chang, she and I had an exchange together a couple of transfers ago. That's pretty much it. I don't know if you keep up with the mission website but apparently president puts up all of the letters he sends to us each week, they're interesting if you want to read them.

Love you bunches,

Sister Daniel

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