
Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Closest I'll Get to Being a Temple Square Sister Missionary‏ E-mail July 23, 2012

Hello Family,

I'm glad that everything seems to be slowing down, and that recovery is taking place. Zach I'm sure is more than a little excited to be home. Are you one of those weird RMs who has no idea what to do now that they're not a missionary?

Well, with everything going on, I'm not sure how much I've told you about my new area and my not so new companion. So as you'll remember Sister Moore and I were companions in the MTC. She's awesome...I love her a lot and she's been a godsend this week. She's just as great as she was in the MTC and she and I know Ukrainian better. It's actually really cool that I'll hit my halfway mark in the mission with the same companion I started with. We've already planned that on our 9 month mark (August 9) that we're going to tell each other how much we've progressed throughout our missions.

So I'm in Kyiv. We actually have the western part of the city, about a third of it. Ours is the largest area in the mission and it's a lot of work. We have the international branch, which includes all of the temple missionaries, the people that come here with ILP which is a program where college age kids come and teach English (a lot of them are LDS), and the people that work at the US Embassy in Kyiv. There are a couple of families that fit that description. Then we have the Borshahivsky ward. This is our main ward. It's huge! Being in Bila for so long, I forgot that wards are hundreds of people, not just 100 people in the whole city. The members here are really fun and totally cool. A lot of them serve in the temple. Then we also have Svyatoshinsky ward. We don't go to that ward, they meet in another building but we have their area and are going to start working with the members there.

Borshahivsky is the home area. It's where President lives (he's in the international branch) and where the temple is, and where the office is. And about once a week we walk the temple grounds because people just go there to be in a peaceful place so we teach them if they show up. This also means I get mail as soon as it gets here. Mail comes every Tuesday so I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Work here is starting over again, we're a new companionship and we have to jumpstart it.

This week was hard, but we have Sister Ricks, our senior office sister and her husband Elder Ricks, they're from Rexburg, like half of our senior couples. And they are awesome and basically like a set of grandparents for us here. She's been taking good care of me, and we see President often, and he always checks in. So I'm good.

I love you guys, Zach just because you're not required to write emails weekly doesn't mean you can stop writing me!

Have a good week!


Sister Daniel

я вас люблю дуже багато. I love you a lot.

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