
Friday, August 24, 2012

Hello Family! E-mail August 16, 2012 was just another week here in Kyiv! NOT! This past week was my birthday and because I have the most awesome companion ever we had a lot of fun this week.

As part of our transfers here in Ukraine we get to go on exchanges in week 4. All of the sisters in the Kyiv zones get to do exchanges for a few days. And Zach, the reason that they're a couple of days instead of 24 hours is because some of our areas take a good 3 hours to get to. So this week I stayed in our area here in Kyiv with Sister Pliha. She's from Latvia and really cool and so much fun! Sister Moore went to her companion, Sister Karpenko who is Ukrainian. So Sister Moore and I we're actually together on our half-way mark. Which was on Thursday!! I can't believe we're 9 months through already.

I was glad to hear that Zach's talk went well. About 3 months ago, president told us that the only thing we're allowed to have up on the stand with us when we give talks are our scriptures. It is so nuts trying to talk in Ukrainian with nothing to help but your Ukrainian scriptures! It's so interesting here because in the smaller branches like in Bila, if we messed up on phrasing or didn't know a word the congregation just shouted it at you. It's actually kind of funny. I had to give a talk in Bila once and president happened to show up for that branch. It's a good thing he doesn't understand Ukrainian very well. He's fluent in Russian.

So Saturday, it was my birthday so we decided to do some fun stuff. We went for our morning run at 6 like usual, no deviation, president is giving me monthly goals on my running. Supposedly by the end of this month I should be able to run 2.5km without stopping. I'm getting there. (just in case you were wondering, president is a mountain marathon runner, so basically I'm getting my own boot camp!) Then we came home and Sister Moore made blinchikies...basically crepes but the Ukrainian version. She also gave me some presents she very sneakily bought. Then we did our study and went to Puzata Hatas for lunch. It is this restaurant that you will be going to when you come to Ukraine, all very Ukrainian food, and a missionary favorite. After pigging out we went and bought some birthday cake for me. (we had already had a cake earlier that week. We celebrate mine and Sister Filipovskaya's birthdays at the exchange) I overcame my natural man, and instead of buying a whole cake we only bought a piece each, along with a pony candle. So we did missionary work the rest of the day with some phone calls from other missionaries very loudly and off-key singing happy birthday, but I was very grateful. Then we returned home for the night and had our slice of cake with caramel ice cream! And because it's our tradition to go to a movie on our birthdays, we watched "Mountain of the Lord". That was my birthday, it was awesome.

That was my really big week, it was super fun. I'm one year older and on the downward slope of my mission having crossed the half way mark.

Love you all,

Sister Daniel

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