
Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Lesson With the Stake President‏ E-mail - July 30, 2012

Hello Family!!!

Congratulations to Zach for making it home safe! All is well here in Ukraine. How are the Olympics? You have to keep me updated! Do you all remember back in February when a senior couple came to your ward from my mission. They were on their way home from their mission here. Their names are Elder and Sister Terry. Well, they're back in Ukraine for a mission again! They said they were in the Hebron ward last week! I know you weren't there, but I just thought it was cool that they were there.

I can't believe that I'm going to be 23 in 2 weeks which also means that my halfway mark is coming up. It all happens in the same week! Mom - I was going to email the form back to them but after looking on their website I think it would be easier to fax it. So I'll try and get it done this week. I don't know if I need my account number or not.

Things are speeding up here in Borshahivsky. Our first week together was kind of a mess, because I was a mess. I'm going to try to get some letter writing done today while we're on the Metro, but grandma is the priority. I'm going to write her first.

Kyiv is a lot of fun. Much busier than Bila and it takes us an hour to get anywhere! We also meet some crazy people. I've met 3 people since I've been here who are totally racsist, and there is always some drunk guy trying to talk to us. Life is an adventure here.

So about the title of my email. We were sitting in International branch (it is a branch, mostly missionaries) and in walks one of our walk in investigators. She sits down. Then at the end of the meeting our stake president walks in and sits down next to her. After the branch he starts talking to her, and she stays for the Borshahivsky ward. This is like 5 hours of church total. He talks with her inbetween the meetings and then asks her to come to a lesson right after the ward. She agrees. So she's been at church for like 7 hours. We have a lesson with him and her, he answers all of her questions and gets her to meet with us again. After the whole experience, he just says that he felt like he needed to come to our building today. Normally he goes to church downtown. The whole thing was one big miracle.

Last week for p-day we went the spoosk. It is the souvenuir street in Kyiv. I bought all of you something but it may be a while before I get to sending it out. We're going back today, I hopefully won't spend as much money this time.

I'll send some pictures. Love you!

Have a good week!

Sister Daniel

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