
Friday, August 24, 2012

Hello Family! E-mail - August 8, 2012

Well another week gone by and I have no idea what to write. We're sitting here doing our email time with the assistants. It's kinda funny you don't really get to know your assistants until you work in the same district with them I think.
This week coming up is a big week. Not only is it my birthday (only the most important day of the year), and on top of that this week also marks my halfway point on the mission. On August 9, I will have been a missionary for a total of 9 months. Crazy!
We are having success here, we're teaching a 19 year old girl, her name is Luda and she is awesome! She asked about baptism when she came to church this week, and we got to show her our baptismal font and asked her if she would be open to being baptized and she said "yes"! VICTORY! Now we just have to actually ask her to be baptized.
I don't know what else to say other than I've very grateful for the birthday presents all of the clothes fit. And are very cute, I'll send you pictures over the next few weeks.
Zach I want more information from you, spend some time and write to me!
Love you all so much!

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