
Monday, May 14, 2012

Spring in Ukraine...NOT!‏ E-mail - April 9, 2012

Hello Family!!

First of all, a big Happy Easter to you and a big Happy Anniversary this week to Mom and John. 12 years!! woot-woot!! So this week was not Easter in Ukraine, Easter is always on April 16, so it's next week. In fact, since we watch conference here a week late, while you were celebrating with chocolate bunnies and coloring Easter eggs I was listening to the prophet and apostles. Weird, huh? Mom, it sounds like you're having fun hopping around visiting everybody and taking pictures with your i-pad. Zach, you're already trunkie with all of your school talk. Between you and my companion who leaves a week from Tuesday, I'm trunkie. I have over a year left, I can't be trunkie yet!

This week was sister exchanges so we headed back to Kyiv on Wednesday. I picked up Sister Smith and brought her back to Bila, and I didn't get lost! Sister Smith is Sister Moore's companion. She's two transfers older than me and has never served out of her area so it was really fun for her to come to me. She's in the temple/ office/ mission home area and hers is the largest in the mission. She's from Georgia and is super fun! We have some pictures, but she has most of them. It looks like I'll probably be serving with her and Sister Moore for a little while next week while I wait for my new companion. We find out on Saturday what transfers are going to happen. President pretty much told me I'm staying here, but since I'm killing my companion I obviously need a new one.

Well, while Sister Smith and I were here we had one day when it was warm enough to go without coats. That changed fast. The next day we were back to cold and rainy. I don't really have much else to say except for a funny story. So Sister Smith and I found this place in Bila called "Meat Country" they make hot-dogs and hamburgers there. We thought, fun why don't we go there. Well, let's just say it was hard to tell what meat was actually in the hot dog, and like every Ukrainian food it included cabbage and mayonnaise. It was interesting.When we switched back in Kyiv, Sister Jacobson and I went to a restaurant and had good Ukrainian food. It was fun. We also saw one of the stadiums for the Euro Cup.

That's about it. Next week, I'll be in Kyiv Monday through Thursday probably. They changed email policy so we can't email people outside of our family anymore, so mom can you put that on facebook or something. Tell Sabrina I got her wedding announcement and I say "Congrats". And tell Rachael Smith that she rocks and I love her lots.

Love you!!

Sister Daniel

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