
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Another Transfer Come and Gone‏ May 28, 2012

Hello Family,

Well, as you might have read, we are just finishing our second transfer here in Ukraine and Sister Ebeling and I will continue together for at least another transfer, here in Bila Tserkva. We also ended it on a high note! Our investigator, Angela, got baptized! She's 19 and we've been teaching her all this transfer, she's totally awesome and it has been so fun to see her progress in the gospel. She says her favorite part of her day is reading her scriptures, she's in Mosiah right now. She also yesterday expressed a desire to serve a mission!!!

We were also a little heartbroken. As you know we went to Kmelnitsky a couple of weeks ago to do Sister Ebeling's registration, while we were there she got to teach an investigator she had worked with when she served there. They set a baptismal date and it was supposed to be yesterday. Anyway, they had everything ready and waiting for her baptism, and she never showed up. Sister Stiles was so sad, and we felt so bad for her. How absolutely heartbreaking to work so hard on preparing someone for baptism and then to be stood up.

Life in Bila Tserkva is wonderful. The pollen count here is ridiculously high, which means my allergies are in full swing. The sun rises at 4am here, which is really fun because our apartment is East facing. We run now every morning starting at 6am, and I'm actually running to the park and back! I think we're planning on doing some shopping today for p-day. The district is changing this week. Next transfer, our district leader will still be here, with a new trainee. But then it's just his companionship and ours. They call it a dating district and President had to get permission from the Area Presidency to even let it happen. Elder Newsome goes home tomorrow, crazy! And his companion, Elder Newton is becoming one of our new zone leaders.

This week was hard, just before good things come the trials, just Satan trying to get under my skin. I'm having trouble over thinking with the language and it's limiting my ability to speak with people. But I got a blessing from one of the elders and I feel much better. One thing I've really learned so far on my mission is just the importance of relying on the Lord 100% and learning to pray for everything. Overall, I think I will be a very different person when I come home.

Love you!!!

Sister Daniel

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Across Ukraine and Back Again E-Mail May 21, 2012

Hello Family,

Well, it's been another week here in Ukraine. This week for us was full of adventure. Our p-day was a little different, we had a lesson (or were supposed to have one) in the morning. Being stood up is one thing, being stood up when you go out of your way to meet with an investigator on p-day is just plain mean. So we ended up just going grocery shopping and hanging out at home last week. This week we are spending some quality time with the elders. Elder Newsome goes home in two weeks, so we're having a party complete with volleyball and a grill. We're all anxiously awaiting transfer calls this Saturday. Sister Ebeling and I are pretty sure we're staying the same, but with Elder Newsome leaving and Elder Olson finishing his training we expect big things to happen in Bila. Speaking of big things, we have a baptism this week! Actually on Zach's birthday! Her name is Angela, I'll send you a picture next week.This will be the first baptism when I've taught the investigator from the beginning of her investigation of the church.

As far as investigators go, we have a lot like I was saying on Skype and they're all so different. My personal favorite right now is Natasha and her daughter Tamara. Tamara is 12 and they originally called us to help her with her English, but after some crafty planning by yours truly they ended up participating in Youth Night and then coming to Sacrament Meeting. Needless to say, they're most definitely on the path of true investigatorhood. But the best thing about them is every time without fail, they bring us flowers, chocolate and give us kisses on the cheek. It's like having a really awesome boyfriend! Another investigator we have is Katya. She's a babushka that was given to us by our other investigators, her son and daughter in law. She's been meeting with JWs for about 20 years but seems really open to our message and hasn't officially joined the JW church. Granted I don't really know how you do that so she might actually be a JW at this point.

So our adventure this week. We left Bila on Tuesday night on a marshutka to Kyiv. We got there and got to go on the metro to meet the Center Kyiv Sisters who had our train tickets. They met us at a centrally located metro stop and gave us the tickets and we made our way to the train station. All was well and we were actually early. After waiting for about an hour and a half in a place that is as busy as any American airport we got to board our train. It was a total Harry Potter moment. We got to our compartment which has four beds. And found a guy already in there. It was then that we realized the mistake. As missionaries it is required that we have our own compartment when travelling overnight by train. Someone had messed up on ordering our tickets. But because we're greenies and have no idea really how to do anything outside of Bila we just sucked it up and went. So we shared the compartment with a really nice and respectful guy and another girl. At least we were all in our 20s. We left Kyiv around midnight and got to Khmelnitsky about 6am. The next few days we spent meeting with the other sisters' members and investigators, and going on crazy exchanges. Then the freak thunderstorm happened. We were soaked! And Sister Ebeling and I only had clothes for 3 days! Well, the zone leaders were there in Khmelnitsky and they fixed the tickets problem for the way back to Kyiv. Then we ran into another problem. We couldn't find our train! It was midnight in Khmelnitsky and we're running around on the train tracks. After an extremely stressful 15 minutes we were in our very own compartment heading for Kyiv. We got back to Bila at 9am on Friday and it was back to work.

Then we found out we have to do it all again in 3 weeks.

So needless to say, my sleep pattern is a little off. I woke up this morning and my body was convinced that it was 630 and time to get up. So I knelt in my bed to pray. Then I decided it wasn't time yet and went back to sleep. This happened two more times until finally the alarm went off. During companionship study Sister Ebeling told me she had woken up a couple of times and every time she did I was kneeling in my bed praying.

Yep. At least I know that one thing has changed thanks to my mission, my first instinct when I wake up...kneel and pray.

All my love.

Sister Daniel

Monday, May 14, 2012

Summer...kinda‏... E-mail - May 14, 2012

Hello, everyone!

Well, it seems weird to write you when I just talked to you a few days ago. Life in Ukraine hasn't changed much since then, except for the weather. It's a roller coaster here. Yesterday it was really cold after the terribly hot day it was on Saturday. All of the decorations are still up here for Victory Day. It kind of caused a depression when we realized it was our one and only Victory Day in Ukraine. Right now, it looks like our release date is April 30, 2013.

So I realized today that I didn't tell you a funny story that I wanted to. To preface this one you should know that in Ukraine there are only like 15 names for women so everyone has the same names. Well, a few weeks ago we received a referral from one of our branch presidents. It was a lady named Natasha. We got her phone number and called her, she never answered. (This is extremely frustrating because cell phones in Ukraine don't have answering machines, you just wait until someone picks up.) So the next week we asked our branch president if we had the right number for the referral, Natasha. He looked at what we had and said "no". Then he gave us another number, and we finally got ahold of her. We called and set up an appointment and were super excited. We found a member to go with us, the branch president's sister-in-law Marina and we were all ready to go! So we call her back because we are very polite missionaries to ask her if it was okay to bring a member of the church with us to help us share our message. Then Natasha said "I'm already a member, I've accepted the restored gospel!" We were really confused. Then we found out that we had called and set up a meeting with Natasha, the branch president's wife! Not Natasha the referral! Needless to say we have one Natasha who thinks that we're crazy and one Natasha who still won't answer her phone.

The work here is going great, we're always running around trying to see everyone. Our investigator who is getting baptized is getting over smoking. She asked for a priesthood blessing! It was really cool to see her show her faith in the priesthood. This is one thing about which my testimony has grown immensely. There is no question in my mind that this is the restored Church of Jesus Christ, and that it is lead by prophets and apostles who possess the Priesthood power of God.

Don't have a lot of time left. I love you. Zach the address makes sense in Ukraine. Put my name on stuff. I like that everybody else is getting my address right except for my immediate family. I hope I didn't scare John away from coming to Ukraine at the end of my mission. Until next week!


Sister Daniel

PS I'm now in 2 Ne 31

It's definitely summer in Ukraine‏! E-mail - May 7, 2012

Hello from beautiful Bila Tserkva, Ukraine!

Well, life here is a test in endurance. Yesterday was one of my best days as a missionary, and today started off with an angry babushka. So I'm going to tell you all of the ups and none of the downs. K? As you all know by now I'm in Bila Tserkva with Sister Ebeling, who is the best person ever! So she's basically a genius when it comes to Ukrainian, but she refuses to let me lean on her language skills. It's the best thing for me, but also really hard. We were in the MTC together and had so much fun singing during shower time. She's also got an incredible voice. I've decided she's the best companion I could have had coming into taking over an area. She's super supportive and talks to everyone. So we have a good time and we're also really good for each other because we work hard. Okay, so that's one great thing right now. My companion.

Another great thing are our members. They are the coolest people ever! All of them are 1st generation members in fact I think the first baptisms in Bila Tserkva were in 1998. They've been baptized in the river, in swimming pools, and finally in an actual baptismal font. Their testimony of the gospel and their willingness to share that testimony makes life as a missionary very easy. Sister Larisa is one of my favorites. She's an invalid, she hasn't walked in 30 years, but she is so solid in the church. Before the temple in Kyiv she travelled to Germany twice. Every week we go over and wash her hair, face, and hands. She's an amazing woman. Then we have the fun group of young moms. Ina, Olga, Marina, and Luda are some of the greatest people ever and so much fun! We have youth here who are growing up with the gospel and bringing their friends. It is an incredible place to be a missionary where the spirit is so strong.

Our district is totally awesome! Our district leader and his companion have one branch and we have another set of elders who are over the smaller branch. Plus we have the senior couple the Mayberrys who come every Sunday for church and Tuesday for English. I love them, you can just tell how grateful they are to help. We're always doing something together as a district and everyone helps each other.

Then there are our investigators. This week we taught Angela. She's 18, a member brought her to church one week and she's been coming ever since. Yesterday she told us she was ready to be baptized on May 27th! She's our miracle and we feel like we really didn't do much to get her to that point. We had other investigators at church yesterday Natasha and her daughter Tamara have been meeting with us to learn more English. We never thought they would progress very fast but they want to know more about the church and Tamara is coming to youth night!

Needless to say, we have really seen the hand of the Lord here in Bila. We're both really new but we know that the Lord blesses us when we have faith and obey the commandments. I'm so excited to talk to you this week. On Wednesday we hit our 6 month mark. It seems crazy that we've been out for 6 months and that I haven't seen you in that long.

Well, until Saturday. Love you!

Sister Daniel

PS ZACH- when you send letters to Ukraine you actually have to put my name on them, they've had to open them twice to find out who they were for.
PPS MOM- you look awesome in the picture you sent.
PPPS- EVERYONE- I'm actually sending out postcards to you today!

Life in Bila Tserkva‏ E-mail - April 30, 2012

Hello Family,

Wow this has been a week. It's totally bizarre to be a senior companion. I don't really feel like one for the most part because Sister Ebeling is a superstar with her Ukrainian so she's taking the lead in contacting a lot. Apparently I know more Russian though. It's really funny, her first district was all Ukrainian speaking missionaries, but here all of the elders are Russian speaking. She gets this funny look on her face when she tries to understand what they say. This week has been a lesson on relying on the Lord. More like a crash coarse really. We ended up having a crazy insane week with 9 new investigators! We were just constantly meeting with people.

So in my personal study I've been starting to read the Book of Mormon all the way through. Right now I'm in 2 Nephi tomorrow I'm reading chapter 4 just in case you wanted to study together. I'm also reading Jesus the Christ. I've been working on it since the MTC and am proud to say that I'm almost done. I love it, it is such an addicting book. The only problem is that my head wants to explode after I read it. I've really gained a new view on who Christ was and is through it. What kind of teacher and man. It's been really interesting for me.

This week nothing extremely crazy happened. No creepy guys trying to kiss me. We didn't hear anything about the terrorist attacks here. Things have actually been really mellow in Bila. Well, things are always mellow in Bila. Bila Tserkva is more of a rural city. We're about an hour out of Kyiv. We go into the city at least twice a month. Bila is named for the white church in the city. I need to take a good picture of it. It is also surrounded by farmland and small villages. It actually looks a lot like South Dakota out in the country part. It is really hot here, and has been for a couple of days. Like in the 80s and humid. I plan to get really tan. It's also very green here. Trees everywhere.

Things with Sister Ebeling and I are going great! We're working really hard and trying to talk to everyone. We had an interesting experience with one investigator. We are encouraged to pray with people on the street when we contact them so we did with this girl named Ina. When I had finished praying we looked up and she was crying. We met with her later in the week and taught the first lesson. She told us that she knew it was true but she wasn't ready to hear any more information, be baptized, or even meet with us. It was depressing but built my confidence in knowing that people are feeling the spirit when we talk with them. Then we have another investigator. Her name is Angela and she's really good friends with one of our branch presidents. She is very open and I think very close to baptism. It's actually kind of bizarre how fast it is going with her.

Well, that's all my time today. I love you all so much. I'm doing good. I'm trying to send mail out but we never have enough time on our p-days. I'll keep trying but I haven't sent anything yet. Love you!!

Sister Daniel

Back in Bila!‏ E-mail April 23, 2012

Hello Family,

Sorry last week was so short, I was in Kyiv and way distracted by all of the missionaries around me. Not to mention that Sister Jacobson really didn't have anything to write since she was going home two days later. By the way, she's gone. Home safe and sound I'm sure. The only bad thing that came out of it was that I was a little trunkie for a few days. So we ended up in Kyiv until Thursday and then we came back. My companion is Sister Ebeling. We were together at the MTC and now we're back together. I'm really excited about that because we get along really well, and we're both still in our "greenie fire" stage. It's also a little intimidating because I'm the one who knows the area and technically that means that I'm the senior companion. That is terrifying!!!! I can't even tell you how stressed out I've been.

So I spent a few days in Kyiv, I served with Sister Smith and Sister Moore and it was so much fun!! I have some cool pictures of what Easter is like in Ukraine. It's one of the biggest holidays of the year! Right before Easter everyone goes and cleans up their ancestor's grave sites. We did that as service with one of our less active members here in Bila. Then this past weekend, the one after Easter (the 21and 22) everyone goes and picnics at the cemeteries for their "Memorial Day". It's really interesting and kind of cool that the big holiday is the one where we're celebrating the most important event in the history of the world (the Atonement and Resurrection)!

My p-day in Kyiv was really cool. I've seen all of the major sites of the city but I didn't get a whole lot of pictures, but I know how to get back.The orthodox cathedrals/monestaries are so cool, they're just so different from anything you see anywhere else.So on my full day in Kyiv with the other sisters we decided to go to a part of their area that they've never been to and contact. Well we took a marshutka there and we didn't feel very good about it. Just a bad feeling. So we did what missionaries do and prayed about it. Then we met this awesome girl who asked us about polygamy. Apparently the show "Sister Wives" has made it across the ocean. Well, Sister Smith just says "NO, that's wrong". The girl looked really taken aback but kept talking to us. She actually was open to meeting and learning more about the church.

Then we decided we needed to tract for a while. Well, here in Ukraine the majority of people in the cities live in apartments. You have to call someone to let you in and then you just go from the top floor down. Well, we found this door where a babushka answered and ushered us in. We went in and sat down then came her extremely creepy son. Sister Moore tried to teach the lady, Sister Smith is holding a conversation with the creepy guy and I'm trying to keep him from touching me. At the end of the lesson when we were ready to go, he jumps up and tries to kiss me. I'm leaning away from him, Sister Smith is pulling me by my coat away from him. His mom is yelling at him, and then we're running for the door. I was so freaked out, and Sister Smith was just cracking up. It was one of those moments that every sister needs to have on her mission. Almost getting kissed by a creepy dude. The first thing that Sister Ebeling said when she heard the whole thing was, ...............  Life here in Bila is good. I'm really stressed about being in charge, I was totally content to be a junior companion for the rest of my mission, but oh, well.

Until next week!


Sister Daniel

Transfers in Ukraine and My First Murder‏! E-mail - April 16, 2012

Hello Everyone!!

Well, as you can see it is transfer time here in Ukraine and I'm killing my companion! Sister Jacobson is leaving on Wednesday and right now we're in Kyiv! I get to be in Kyiv for a whole week while I wait for my companion which means I get to serve with Sisters Smith and Moore this week! My new companion is Sister Ebeling! She was in the MTC with me and is coming to Bila Tserkva! So finally I get a Ukrainian speaking companion! The only problem is she probably knows just as much as I do.

Mom, the water here is not like that all the time. We have a super duper water filter and yes you buy bottled water. The only problem is the water filter is in the kitchen and the water that you saw was in the bathroom. In Ukraine, Easter is a huge holiday! We eat this sweet bread that is like a little cake. We also go around saying "Christ is Resurrected" in Ukrainian it's really fun. I don't know if I have a favorite conference talk, but I liked what President Packer said that "life was never meant to be easy or fair".

Zach, you have to stop talking about going home. Get over the trunkiness and get to work! It's embarrassing how trunkie you are!

Language is still hard and I'm not feeling too well, I've got some sinus stuff going on.

That's pretty much it. I'm really distracted right now, right more next week.

Love you!

Sister Daniel

PS We should be able to Skype on Mother's Day, I'll just use my skype account. Pick a time that is best for you, remember that I'm 7 hours ahead of you and I'm at church from 10am to 5pm. I'm excited!

Spring in Ukraine...NOT!‏ E-mail - April 9, 2012

Hello Family!!

First of all, a big Happy Easter to you and a big Happy Anniversary this week to Mom and John. 12 years!! woot-woot!! So this week was not Easter in Ukraine, Easter is always on April 16, so it's next week. In fact, since we watch conference here a week late, while you were celebrating with chocolate bunnies and coloring Easter eggs I was listening to the prophet and apostles. Weird, huh? Mom, it sounds like you're having fun hopping around visiting everybody and taking pictures with your i-pad. Zach, you're already trunkie with all of your school talk. Between you and my companion who leaves a week from Tuesday, I'm trunkie. I have over a year left, I can't be trunkie yet!

This week was sister exchanges so we headed back to Kyiv on Wednesday. I picked up Sister Smith and brought her back to Bila, and I didn't get lost! Sister Smith is Sister Moore's companion. She's two transfers older than me and has never served out of her area so it was really fun for her to come to me. She's in the temple/ office/ mission home area and hers is the largest in the mission. She's from Georgia and is super fun! We have some pictures, but she has most of them. It looks like I'll probably be serving with her and Sister Moore for a little while next week while I wait for my new companion. We find out on Saturday what transfers are going to happen. President pretty much told me I'm staying here, but since I'm killing my companion I obviously need a new one.

Well, while Sister Smith and I were here we had one day when it was warm enough to go without coats. That changed fast. The next day we were back to cold and rainy. I don't really have much else to say except for a funny story. So Sister Smith and I found this place in Bila called "Meat Country" they make hot-dogs and hamburgers there. We thought, fun why don't we go there. Well, let's just say it was hard to tell what meat was actually in the hot dog, and like every Ukrainian food it included cabbage and mayonnaise. It was interesting.When we switched back in Kyiv, Sister Jacobson and I went to a restaurant and had good Ukrainian food. It was fun. We also saw one of the stadiums for the Euro Cup.

That's about it. Next week, I'll be in Kyiv Monday through Thursday probably. They changed email policy so we can't email people outside of our family anymore, so mom can you put that on facebook or something. Tell Sabrina I got her wedding announcement and I say "Congrats". And tell Rachael Smith that she rocks and I love her lots.

Love you!!

Sister Daniel

To Kyiv and Back Again...and again this week!‏ E-mail - April 2, 2012

Well Family another week in Ukraine!

It's still dreadfully cold here. It's doing a rain/snow mix for us today with some serious wind gusts. Drats, we thought it would be a really nice day but it clouded over. As for the questions, yes I have gotten grandma's and Zach's letters. I was hoping to be able to send some out today, but I don't know if that will happen, our p-day schedule is kinda bonkers today. P-days here are very different in Virginia. There, my companions were very into naps. Here, we always go out and do stuff together. Today we had to help one set of elders move to a new apartment. We also had to pay our rent to our landlord. It's kind of fun to hand over a huge stack of cash. Mom, the package is alright. I understand that it doesn't make much sense to send something unless it is worth sending. Mail here is a little weird. Because we live about an hour and a half from the office, they send our mail with the senior couple (the them!!) that come every week. But because we went to Kyiv this week we got our mail when we were there. I got two letters from Grandma, two from Zach, and Sabrina's wedding announcement! I also got Rachael's email this week updating me on the group.

So I'll just take you through what we did this week. Monday was p-day and we spent the majority of it playing American Football with the elders. We played on the field of a school that is right next to the prison here in Bila. It was weird to see the white concrete wall with barbed wire at the top and the guard towers at every corner. According to Elder Newsome, this prison is for repeat offenders, and it's right next to what would be an alternative school in the states. The whole time we were playing, a man was watching us from the Baptist church on the other side of the street. He probably thought it was really funny to watch 5 Americans with a Ukrainian playing American Football and screaming at each other in Ukrainian and Russian. It was a lot of fun and good exercise. Tuesday is district meeting day, and it hardcore snowed during and after our meeting. We went out to eat afterwords and had to trudge through the snow. Every time someone would dip their head back to catch snow in their mouth, someone would mention Chernobyl. We saw our investigators and taught our English class on Tuesday night.

Wednesday we had kind of a strange day because the Mayberry's were around so we visited a couple of families and then they came to inspect our apartment. We made them lunch and they told us about how the elder's apartment smells like cats, but it's bigger than ours. Elder Mayberry halfway through the inspection clapped his hands together and said, "Okay, let's see the bedroom". We just laughed and said "Elder Mayberry, you're standing in it!" I don't think Sister Mayberry is very fond of our one room apartment. The next day we went to Kyiv for specialized training, there are pictures up on the mission website. We had interviews with president and then we got to go to the temple!!! The Kyiv temple is gorgeous and as we were sitting in a session with our headphones on because the main language there is Russian, it hit me just how global the church is. It felt so good to have the time to just feel closer to Heavenly Father. Friday was a crazy day, some dropped appointments and weekly planning. We went to go see Sister Larisa, and washed her hair, face, and hands like we do every Friday. She's always so excited for company. She dictated to us so that we could write a letter in English. One of the sisters that had been here had sent her her wedding announcement.

On Saturday I learned why sometimes Ukrainians can be a little sour. We stood for an hour long marshutka ride to the sello (village) to see Alona and Stan. During which, I sweated like a pig and almost had my back broken by a babushka. We got to the sello and they came and picked us up at the bus stop. I don't think you've experienced Ukraine until you've gone to a village here. Stan is the American who is married to Alona, she's a recent convert. He grew up in Utah and I assume has been a life long member. They're a fun couple who are building a nice house out in the middle of nowhere. They have cows, horses, geese, turkeys, dogs, cats, and I think chickens. I also saw a chicken cross the road, now I know the answer to the riddle. Chickens cross the road so they can poop in the middle of them!

Sunday was an interesting day. In both branches elders became a part of the branch presidency. Elder Fisher and Elder Newsome are 2nd counselors and Elder Olson in 1st counselor in the Elders Quorum. They've pretty much told us that they'll be calling us to something so don't be surprised if next week I have a new calling.

We got to watch the first session of conference on Saturday night, it starts at 7pm here! We'll get to watch the rest of it next week in English and it plays in Ukrainian in our building this coming week. They don't celebrate Easter this week, it's next week, and from what I've heard it's going to be big. We get to go to Kyiv this week for Sister Exchanges, Sister Smith will come here to Bila with me!

Well, that's all the time I have.

Love you all!

Sister Daniel