
Friday, December 30, 2011

What A Day!!! E-mail Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Today is P-day, obviously, and today our district had the awesome
opportunity to clean the temple! The sisters got to clean the Bride's room.
One of the other sisters that cleaned with us said this is our last test to
see if we really are meant to be missionaries. LOL. It was gorgeous and we
were talking to the woman in charge, did you know that when they clean the
chandeliers in the temple they have to take it apart piece by piece wearing
cotton gloves? When the Provo Temple is cleaned in July they do it and the
sisters get to help!

Well this week was Christmas, and I got to email on Sunday so I don't know
how much more has happened. I have a lot of pictures from the celebrations
but I'll have to send them next week because they're not printed yet. I got
a flashlight shaped like a pig from Sister Moore's family. She says "thank
you" for her gift by the way. The Wagstaffs sent me a nice pair of leather
gloves that are lined with cashmere. Along with a black scarf and a big bag
of kisses. I'm not sure if you got my Christmas card yet, but I sent one to
Grandma, Aunt Barb, Zach, the Wagstaffs, and the Silvesters too. So like I
told you on Sunday we got to have Sacrament meeting with Elder Bednar. Then
Elders Ward and Schraedel went missing for a couple of hours. Turns out
Elder Ward has some connections and got to meet Elder Bednar. We teased him
the rest of the day.

Then we opened presents together, all 13 Ukrainians piled into our
classroom with our presents and opened them. I love my gifts! The brushes
are so nice, and the pen is gorgeous. The sweaters all fit, I like them a
lot. One thing I really love is the foam ball. How did you know I needed
something to act as a stress ball that is also soft enough to throw at the
elders when they get annoying? As you might imagine it was a little
difficult being sick over the holiday. When I went to the InstaCare, well
I'm still not sure he was a doctor, the guy that I saw. He said I didn't
have strep but had a lot of congestion pressure. He gave me some ear drops,
nasal spray, and magic mouthwash. I think I got better just because I
really didn't want to use the mouthwash anymore. I do feel much better,
just trying to get over the last of the runny nose. I promise that next
time I'll be more proactive about getting antibiotics. Had the clinic here
been open I'm sure they would have given me some.

I'm glad Zach got transferred. I know that he'll have fun in that area. And
Zach, take advantage of having sisters, they're awesome!

It's been interesting with a new group of Russians here, sometimes we're
really pushed to get moving with our language, but most of the time, I just
remember that there was a time when I didn't know anything like them. We've
decided as a district that we will be SYLing (speaking your language)
everyday except Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. It's been hard but also fun.
So we got to watch 2 movies over Christmas. A Christmas Carol and Mr.
Kruger's Christmas. It was really fun. We did everything as a family this
past weekend. I have a feeling that we'll all be friends for a long time.

Well, this email has been pretty spastic, but I just wanted to tell you
different things. I'll write more in my letter.

Love You!

Sister Daniel

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

All of the Ukrainian Missionaries (both districts)!

Front Row:  Elders Sweeten, Bailey and Callister (other district).
Main Row: (Lto R):  Elder Casanave, Tribett (other district), Sisters Ebeling, Moore, Webb, Irizarry, Daniel, Elders Scharedel and Ward.
Awkwardly standing in the back:  Elder Call!

The Ukrainian Sisters!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas E-mail December 25, 2011

Dear Family,
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!  I'm sure right now you're skyping with Zach and he's telling you about Christmas in California. It's probably really warm there. We don't have snow, but it is bitterly cold. This computer keeps freezing every few seconds so if something doesn't make sense that's why.
It's probably freezing because they have so many people on the computers right now. Well they keep us busy here for sure. We just got out of our sacrament meeting. Probably the largest one I'll ever be in. There are 2000 missionaries in the MTC right now and I kind of had this thought that this is probably what it was like when Christ fed the thousands of people in the New Testament. So I'm sure you're probably wondering who spoke today. We just got out of Sacrament Meeting with Elder Bednar. I'm probably the only one the in family who's done that. We haven't opened presents yet because we haven't had time to do it together and that was one of the requirements. We go to lunch next and then we'll open our presents. We got to watch a Christmas Carol last night that was fun.
So I'm going to tell you what happened this week, and mom you can't freak out! Sister Moore and I got to go to Babylon. I woke up on Friday morning and just felt terrible and after one look at the puss on my tonsils, Sister Moore decided I needed to see the doctor at the clinic. But because it was the day before Christmas Eve they weren't open so they sent me to the Instant Care in Provo. The reason they did this is the on call doctor at the MTC wanted a strep test done. Well turns out, I don't have strep, but the doctor did give me Magic Mouthwash that numbs my throat, nasal spray, and ear drops. I'm not feeling much better yet so I may have to go back to the clinic here on campus on Monday. But all in all a very exciting day outside of the gates. Needless to say, I'm a little bit disappointed that I'm sick on Christmas. Okay, I'm going to send this one and read your email.
Sister Daniel
...So we got really good seats today for the sacrament meeting. We were front and center right in front of Elder Bednar. We're having fun and keeping our spirits up here. Last night there was a devotional in which they organized the nativity story. It was really funny in certain parts because the costumes were so lame and the missionaries playing the parts looked really uncomfortable. When we got back to the residence hall, the Italian sisters and the Ukrainian sisters teamed up and put on our own version of the nativity. When I get some copies of the pictures I'll send them to you. We also plan on taking plenty of pictures during present opening today. Ukrainian is coming along. It's weird the new Russian sisters think that we know so much, we don't feel that way. I may or may not write you a letter yet today it will depend on how much time I have.
Well another story from this week is that Sister Moore's family and her boyfriend keep sending her food. It's so funny because she had two packages come that were wrapped like presents so she didn't open them. Her mom emailed her and told her to open it because it had cream cheese in it. It had been sitting in our room for a week. Her next package that was wrapped was from her boyfriend. She's had it for a while and didn't open it until this morning, full of carrots. Didn't smell very nice. Her mom tried sending a package two more times with cream cheese in it. One got here, but they took the cream cheese out, the other finally got to her. I told her to write her mom and tell her we don't have refrigerators and there is cream cheese in our vending machines (because of bagels) that should solve the problem. Nothing much else going on...Have a good Christmas, and say hi to Zach for me!!
Love you lots!!
Sister Daniel 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Week, New Russians, and Broken Blood Vessel... E-mail December 21, 2011

Hello Everyone,
I can't believe it, but today is exactly 6 weeks since I left the great state of Kentucky and entered the MTC! A whole transfer! Crazy! As the title says we're gearing up for Christmas here at the MTC. We got our schedule on Sunday and it seems like we might get some pretty cool visits. We have firesides on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the evenings, we get to watch MOVIES and we have a huge sacrament meeting with all of the missionaries together with a general authority. Last night was devotional night and there was lots of speculation because we got an apostle the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, but it ended up being L. Whitney Clayton, who is in the presidency of the 70. He was awesome!! We also have time to write a letter home on Christmas day, so I'm going to write Christmas cards today and a longer one on Christmas when more things have happened. I have gotten everyone's packages. It's been so nice. A big shout out to the Wagstaffs who sent me a package that I opened early and the Silvesters for their great card. They were so appreciated. (Mom I need the address for the Wagstaffs, could you Dear Elder it to me?) I have so much food in my room. Grandma sent me three huge containers of peanut butter balls, everyone loves them though so I don't know if they will last until Christmas. I got my Christmas presents from you mom, I love the "No peeking, Santa's watching" wrapping paper. Got your cookies yesterday mom, shared them at our district devotional review. I refused to share the fudge though. The pumpkin chocolate chip cookies were gone in a flash! Plus grandma sent me this HUGE loaf of banana bread, I don't know if I'll ever be able to even share it all! So our district, and the other Ukrainians 13 in all are one big family here at the MTC, so even though none of us will be home it will still be a family affair. We have plans to open our gifts together, and yes mom, I'll send pictures.
So the second part of my title, the new Russians come in today. We're really excited to get 6 new sisters, one of which is going to Kyiv, Russian speaking. All of the teachers are giddy to get a new bunch, it's really cute. We decorated the new sister's door last night in our residence hall and we plan to welcome them as they come in this week. We kind of don't know what to do with ourselves today with no temple time. I think I told you that the temple is closed for a few weeks but our district got really lucky and we'll be able to clean the temple next week! As for the last thing in my title, I was playing volleyball and of course there are some elders who can just launch the ball over the net. Thanks to my catlike reflexes I put my hands up just in time ending up giving me a broken blood vessel in my palm instead of a broken nose. My hand was full of interesting colors for a couple of days.
I'm excited that Zach got a mini missionary that seemed to dispel at least a little bit of the tension. Sister Moore and I have far from the perfect companionship, but we're totally honest with one another and that has helped a lot. We have about 2 companionship inventories a week, but I've noticed a definite improvement this week as we have increased our companionship study. I truly do love her, she has such a strong spirit and it is nice to know that I'm not the only one with problems. A big part of our companionship this week was me comforting her. She's a great missionary and I'm really proud to be her companion. Along with my broken blood vessel, while she was playing four square this week she smacked heads with one of the Ukrainian elders. Elder Tribett. She came out of it with a black eye. We were quite the match this week.
Well, I don't really know what else to say. Give Zach some love from me when you talk to him this week, and I'm looking forward to our phone call. Ukrainian is a trial and whenever I'm in the same area as some Spanish speaking missionaries I lament thinking about how much easier that would be but the Lord knew I needed a challenge.
Time's up! Love you!
Sister Daniel

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another "P" Day! E-mail December 14, 2011

Wow. This is our fifth Wednesday which means by the MTC schedule this is Week 6 and after this week we're halfway done with the MTC. This week was kind of strange. We became one of the three senior districts in our zone. All of the Russians left either Monday or Tuesday heading off to Russia and Ukraine, our floor is very quiet. Both zones are really small and will stay that way until next week. Next week we get 53 new Russians, they be spread between the two zones I think we're getting about 15 of them. But right now it's weird, the mafia floor is deserted. We call it the mafia floor because our entire floor is Russians, Ukrainians, and Italians. Upstairs are the Germans and all of the really weird European languages. Downstairs are the ASL (sign language) missionaries and missionaries learning English. Let's just say our TALL labs are ALWAYS busy. We end up going across the way to the English building to use the computers.
Your pictures look awesome, it looks so pretty there. I'm halfway through my letter to you so some of this might be a repeat. It's snowing here, nothing really sticking but it's been snowing two days straight. It's not really that cold though. I did find Sister Hernandez today, I knew she was coming in so I was waiting for her (one of the benefits of having your p-day on Wednesday). My friend Becca that I was talking to you about last week Dear Eldered me. She's coming in the week before I leave in January so it will be fun to see her.
I can't believe it's so close to Christmas! Sister Elaine S Dalton, the YW general president was here last night and spoke to us. She was telling us the Christmas story and used it in a very interesting way. She talked about how we receive and how we should act when we receive gifts from the Lord. A large portion of her talk was devoted to talking about the paths God puts us on. I have a huge testimony of that, that life never seems to work out the way you want it to. But the Lord knows us right, and gives us what we need. So I love Dear Elder. From the looks of it, and what I've heard, we get the letters the same day you write them if you get them in before noon our time. They always come with the evening mail drop. It sounds like you're just about ready for Christmas, you'll hear about how we're getting ready in my letter this week.
So one thing I've found interesting so far on my mission is that more than learning anything else, I'm learning a lot about myself which has been a really cool experience. I've learned that I'm way cooler than I thought I was. I've learned that I have some of the coolest friends. I've learned that I am extremely blessed. I've learned a lot of my weaknesses and also some of my strengths. I'm so very grateful for the group of Ukrainian sisters, we're all really good friends and are always there for each other. I've also learned that on a mission every emotion that you have is connected to your tear ducts. Sister Moore and I have a joke that one of us is always crying in our companionship. It's been a crazy month and some change and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to serve.
I wish I could write more, but I had a lot to read this week between Mom's emails and Zach's email so my time is just about up.
Love you all,
Sister Daniel

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

ONE MONTH!!! E-mail - Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dear Family,
Well, today we officially hit 4 weeks in the MTC. Technically we don't hit our one month until the 9th. Went to the temple today and had breakfast, did initiatories, it was really cool to go through and hear about all the blessings again. The senior districts got their travel plans, they leave next Monday so this is their last P-day at the MTC. We have one week alone with the other district of Ukrainians and the Junior district of Russians until the new group comes in. How weird is it that when they get here, we'll be halfway through the MTC! We got really excited because Sister Winston is Russian speaking to Kyiv and she got her travel plans which means the visas have finally worked out to Ukraine and the path she takes to Kyiv is most likely how we'll be going. We also leave the same day as the Italians that got here a couple of weeks after us. Looks like we'll probably be flying with them for part of the way.
Ukrainian is coming along, I now have the First Vision memorized. The baptismal commitment is next. We're having a hard time with one of our "investigators". The problem is, Sister Moore and I can understand each other in Ukrainian, but the investigator can't understand us! So we've definitely gotten into a routine here at the MTC and nothing really new happened this week, so I thought I would take you through a typical day here for a missionary learning Ukrainian. Well, to start off I should say that Sunday through Wednesday is the fastest part of our week. Thursday through Saturday is brutal because everyday we have six hours of class and nothing to really break it up. We are eternally grateful for gym time that lets us burn off some energy. We are now at the point that we are SYLing (Speaking Your Language) every lunch period and every morning until class. It's a challenge, but it's fun. Sister Moore and I have one hour a day where I SYL and she has to translate to the people we're speaking to, it's actually really fun.
So let's go through a Thursday. We wake up bright and early at 6:30(like every morning) and are expected to start planning at 7. (If there is one thing I'll learn from the MTC, it's how to get ready in 30 minutes or less) Planning can happen in the residence hall or in the classroom. Sister Moore and I generally do it in the classroom (1. because we stay more focused, and 2. because we just found out last week that we can do it in the residence hall). Then we have study or lesson planning time until breakfast at 7:50. By 8:25 we're back in the classroom for an hour of personal study. Class starts at 9:30, usually we start with Progressing Investigator, during which we teach our "investigators" (by the way if you are a future missionary reading this and you now know that your investigators in the MTC are your teachers, pretend like you didn't know that, and I didn't tell you that, they like it to be a secret, even though everybody knows). Then for the next two hours we'll do language and read the Book of Mormon as a class. Then we have lunch. I don't really think lunch is a break because the elders won't talk to you unless you talk to them in Ukrainian. (The sisters always have a hard time saying everything they want to say in Ukrainian) Then it's back to class for another 3 hours a combination of progressing investigator, fundamentals, and coaching missionary study. Language study is always 4:30 to 5:30 and then it's dinner time! After dinner it's straight to gym at 6:20. Then TALL (computer language instruction) until 8:45. Then you hang out and study as a district until 9:15 when you head back to the residence hall. All in all a very long day.
Not every day is like this but the majority of them is 6 hours of class and very very little personal time.
Just the day in the life of a missionary.
Sister Daniel

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sister Hanson and Me!  Our Coordinating Sister (like a DL for Sisters)  Sister Hanson is serving in Moscow West Mission.
Sister Moore and Sister Daniel!
Sisters Lrizarry, Webb, Moore and Me!!
Elders Ward, Schraedel, Call and Casanave.  Practicing sitting like a European.  (They do this a lot)!
Me and Sister Moore, (From Left to Right) Elders Schraedel (from Ogden) Ward (LA) Call (Kennewick, WA) Casanave (Oceanside, CA)

Letter - Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hello Family!

Well, it's P-day again and once more I'm sitting here writing as my laundry is going.  We made it a goal to here by 6:30 this morning, it was still a zoo.  Apparently some missionaries have been here since 6 AM... that's dedication.  Well, I would tell you its been just another week here at the MTC, but it was a pretty special week.  Our Apostle count is officially at tow:  Elder Russel M Nelson and his fie Sister Wendy Watson Nelson (I LOVE HER) were here on Thanksgiving.  They gave an awesome devotional.  Then we did one massive service project and at the end of the night we watched "17 miracles"  Don't worry Mom, they did feed us the traditional turkey dinner, but it didn't even compare to yours.  Thanksgiving night they turned on the Christmas lights here at the MTC, they did a really nice job with them.  Overall, it was a great day.  I have about three pages on it in my journal.  I've made a goal that I want to write everyday in my journal.  Before I made the goal I missed one day, but then on my entry for the next day, I wrote about the day I missed too.  I think my mission journals will be something I treasure.  I know that my teachers do.

So I'm now continuing this letter hours later, after I've emailed you,  by the way I spelled lover wrong!!
Writing emails is stressful at the MTC, there is this timer up in the corner that turns red at five minutes left and somehow when it turns red, you seem more inspired to write and you want to write a lot more.  Mom, I have been getting your packages and I am VERY grateful for them.  P-days are always a little weird for those of us who have it on Wednesdays because all of the new missionaries come in and you get this nostalgic feeling and you remember the day you came in.

The Russians in our zone are getting ready to leave.  They get their travel plans tomorrow.  Then leave 10 days after.  Once they're gone the new ones com in on December 21st.  There are 53 new Russians coming and about half of them will be in our zone.  By the time they come in, we'll be halfway done with the MTC. So, as I've mentioned in my email we're all making really funny mistakes with Ukrainian.  My biggest problem right now is that in Ukrainian the P's make R sounds and I keep wanting to say the P sound.  i understand much more than I can speak.  Although, I did get a boost of confidence this week.  our investigator (Sasha) is having trouble receiving answers to his prayers so instead of teaching him an actual lesson we just answered his questions about prayer and testified.  After the lesson, Brother Fiel (teacher who is Sasha) told us that "Sasha" felt the spirit for the first time when we testified. 

So, Zach sent me a package this week and it was rally cool of him. I hope he doesn't expect anything from Ukraine because I don't know if I'll be able to send him stuff.  Well, P-day is only so long and I have some more letters to write, but I'm going to include some pictures and hopefully you can scan them and put them on the blog.

Love You!

Sister Daniel

Letter - Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hello Family,

Another P-day here at the Provo MTC.  It's currently 7:20 AM and I'm halfway through laundry for the week.  My schedule is a little crazy today, so I'll be emailing later.  Schedules are crazy because tomorrow is Thanksgiving!!  and the MTC does this giant service project that we have to train for today.  Plus the temple is closing early so we have to go earlier to the temple.  So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!  It's crazy I can still remember the year you turned 60 and everyone was at our house for Thanksgiving.  I'm probably going to repeat myself in my email but, last night was devotional and Elder D. Todd Christofferson spoke!  It was crazy but really cool to hear him speak to just the missionaries.

So the bubble of perfectness that you feel when you first get into the MTC has officially broken.  We now have two investigators (our teachers) a week and TRC once a week (on P-day)!  TRC is this thing, well I'm not really sure what it is exactly because our first one is tonight, but basically you go in and meet a random member of the Church and you teach them a lesson to help them.  The major problem is it's completely in Ukrainian.  Plus, they watch you and tape you so you can evaluate how you did.  I'm sure it's very effective, but definitely intimating.  So for our lessons for our investigators, Sister Moore and I have been writing out what we were going to say like a script.  We realized during our first lesson with (Sasha) this week, that this was way too stressful.  We decided to memorize a few key phrases in no particular order and let the spirit guide us.  It totally worked!  It was a really neat lesson and we're going to repeat the process with our other investigator this week to see if it really works or if it's just a fluke.

Yesterday before we taught I got so frustrated in class that I started crying"  Poor Brother Fiel (our teacher) had no idea what to do.  (Keep in mind that he and I are the same age).  He felt so bad, but it really wasn't his fault.  I was just overwhelmed.  Mini breakdowns are common in my companionship.  We have a joke that if I'm not crying, then Sister Moore is, or vice versa.  Don't worry, I'm not depressed, its just really stressful.  on Saturday night in class we had a lesson about stress management.  I think all of us felt it was about a week too late.   I constantly have to remind myself that I've come so far with the language and not even the gift of  tongues comes overnight.  One of my favorite stress relievers is Choir, we have the BEST choir directors.  They are so funny and put a whole new meaning to the hymns we sing.  Last night we sang, "Come Thou Fount" it was awesome.  I also bought a hymnal in Ukrainian, the Elders in our district love to sing so we're constantly singing in Ukrainian. I think singing really helps me to read better in Ukrainian.  The other great stress reliever I have are the Elders in both Ukrainian districts.  They are SO funny!  Right now, they're having trouble in the cafeteria, the ketchup and the Barbecue dispensers look very similar, even though they are clearly marked and it never fails that at least one of them comes back to the table with barbecue sauce instead of ketchup.  Another funny story is apparently they don't have ladders on their bunk beds. So if you are on the top bunk, they just have to jump up there and pull themselves up.  A few of them got stuck and it's always funny to hear that they have to jump back down and try again.  We've told them we'll exchange on of our ladders for one of the towel racks they have in their room.  I don't mind, but then again, I'm on the bottom bunk!  :}  Well, my laundry is almost done so I should wrap this up.  Don't worry about me Mom, things aren't perfect, but they never are.  I'm still having a blast, and I'm learning Ukrainian! 

Love, Sister Daniel

PPS That's so cool that Sabrina and Zach won!