
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mission Conference - Email- June 12, 2012


First of all I'm actually really suprised that I don' t have a hundred emails from mom wondering what happened yesterday. I don't have a lot of time because I spent some getting the pictures together, but just want to give you some words from me.

We had mission conference yesterday in Kyiv, and all of the missionaries were there, it was so much fun to see everyone. I'm sure if you go on the mission website there are pictures up already. See Elder Christofferson came to stake conference in Kyiv this last weekend with Elder Rasband. Well, Elder Rasband stayed to speak to us yesterday, it was so cool.

We learned a lot. Like that our mission is one of the great finding missions in the church. We find investigators and double the rate of anyone in the Europe East Area! That was a great comfort because I know we both come home at the end of a day and if we haven't found anyone we're really depressed. We also found out that we need to work on actually baptizing those we find. Well, there's always room for improvement right?

This week was interesting. We had a ward activity where we went to this bird zoo thing. I sent a picture of the peacocks. We've spent a lot of time outside, I don't know if you can tell in the pictures but I'm quite tan. It's definitely summer here, hot and humid.

We also went to a rinok to buy things it was fun. (if you come to pick me up at the end of my mission we'll have to go rinok shopping) The shirt I'm wearing in the mission photos is what I bought.

The language is still difficult but it's getting to a point where I can't remember certain words in English, only in Ukrainian.

I don't really know what else to say.

Love you all!

Sister Daniel

PPS Zach - President says it's all about how you end your mission so make sure you make your last transfer your best! I know you've been an awesome missionary, just keep it up!

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