
Monday, July 2, 2012

The Manicure Miracle‏ - E-mail July 2, 2012

Hello Family!

First of all, will you pass along a great big "Happy Birthday" to grandma for me. I've just decided that I will try and send cards for birthdays (Zach I hope you got yours, sorry it's in Russian and not Ukrainian, I couldn' t find any in Ukrainian here in Bila). But as for presents, I'm just going to buy all of you special gifts from Ukraine and give them to you at the end of my mission.

Mom, thanks so much for the setting apart, I got it and was able to open it. Also  ......

So I realized from Mom's emails that I haven't been keeping up with my time schedule here in Ukraine. Right now, we've just started week 5 in this transfer which means we find out this week where we'll be for next transfer. So I'm still in Bila Tserkva with the amazing Sister Ebeling. Life here is great, we got a break in our heat wave and had a comfortable week. But like all Mondays, it's back to being extremely hot again today. Bila is a very green place, we have this extremely large park called Park Alexandria and it is absolutely beautiful, I'll send you some pictures.

This week has been really fun. I want to tell you about the manicure miracle.So last p-day we got a call while we were paying for our internet from a very mysterious fellow named Volodimir. He told us that he had this friend a girl, and he gave her a Liahona (Ensign) and she's been reading it! Well, this particular woman is a manicurist and he didn't want us introducing ourselves as missionaries and going from that route so he ordered us (no asking, they don't ask here) to set up an appointment to get manicures and talk to her there. Well, backstory: Ever since the beginning of my companionship with Sister Ebeling I've wanted a manicure, just a strange desire for one, and she's never had one. So we called this lady and went and got manicures! She wasn't super interested in the gospel but it was a really cool experience and I couldn't help but think how ironic it was that I had to come to Ukraine and speak with her in Ukrainian in order to actually understand my manicurist. (Any of you who normally get manicures will understand how strange it is to actually understand your manicurist.)

So we did our duty and then Volodimir called, and he's called every other day asking us about her. We still don't know exactly who he is because he's not a member here in Bila, my vote is for one of the three Nephites, but Sister Ebeling is taking the practical approach and says he's a member from Kyiv.

So that is our manicure miracle. We recieved a referral and got to get manicures!

Everything else is fine, I'm excited for Zach to be home too, it will just be really weird.

Have a good week!

Sister Daniel

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