
Monday, July 9, 2012

Goodbye Bila ... Hello Kyiv!‏ E-mail July 9, 2012

Hello Family,

Well as the title suggests I have been transferred, or will be transferring on Thursday. I'm moving to Borshahivsky which is the home area for the mission. I'll be at the building where the temple is, have a full ward, and the international branch, which is in English! As you can imagine it is kind of sad for me. Bila is a beautiful place with awesome people and I have no idea what I'm going to do with nearly a fourth of Kyiv! I also get Sister Moore for a companion! Yep, back with my MTC companion, we'll hit our halfway point together. Most importantly, I'll be at home base so I can get my birthday package when it comes in! I did get my pens it came in on July 3.

As for the triumphant return of Elder Daniel, I want pictures of mom hysterically crying and John just chuckling in the background! I can't believe you're almost done! I hope that you hold on to all of your stories for about 9 months, then we'll swap and just share stories for a whole week! Plus watch movies, I'll have a lot to catch up on!

So this week was awesome because we got to go to Kyiv to do baptisms for the dead at the temple with Angela! I can't believe she's been a member now for over a month, time flies! She's totally determined that she wants to serve a mission, and she really wants to serve in America, she has a few years yet, but she's totally on her way. She's super strong and has a ton of good friends in the church. Plus, Sister Ebeling will be staying here so she'll be taken care of.

So the elders made us American cake, Funfetti and chocolate for the Fourth of July. We have music night on Wednesday nights, but no one came this week, so we sang American songs together to commemerate. It was the most interesting Independence Day I've ever celebrated.

It is so hot here and we're outside all of the time. I have a really nice tan, but I can't wait until fall rolls around, it's absolutely brutal when you don't have air conditioning and just fans.

Other than that, all is good. Have a good week!


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