
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hello!!! - E-mail - June 25, 2012

Hello Family!

So this week was really interesting. We had sister exchanges. We exchange with both Kyiv zones so you can go anywhere in the area, and Sister Ebeling stayed here and I went to Cherkassy! It's the farthest area out for sisters from Kyiv and is still in the Kyiv zones. We spend three hours on a marshutka that doesn't have air conditioning (it's about 90 degrees here) and it was just really interesting. I got to serve with Sister Chang. She's from Taiwan and is totally awesome! She knows English very well, went to BYU and lived in Australia so I think that helps. Kyiv is a flurry of activity with the EuroCup going on. It's kind of nice though that Ukraine is done, there's not as many creepy drunk guys that go around screaming "U-KRAIN-A".

I got kinda homesick this week. We were driving out there to Cherkassy and I we passed right by the airport, plus when we were driving through the countryside it looked so much like South Dakota I almost cried. It has a little bit of a European feel to it here though.

I can't believe Zach is going home in less than a month! That's so crazy! You'll have to send me pictures of the triumphant return. It will be weird when I can't tell people that I have a brother who is also on a mission, people like it when I say that.

Life here is good, the cookies are great, right now I'm eating my favorites, they're called ears! Because they look like ears!

I don't know what else to say, we're just trucking along in Bila waiting for our next elect person. Angela told us this week that she really wants to serve a mission! She has a couple of years yet but we're going to do temple baptisms with her either this week or next! We also get to have a sister's conference with president at the end of the transfer in about 3 weeks and we're all looking forward to it.

Love you all!

Sister Daniel

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