
Friday, February 3, 2012

Temporary Reassignments... but all is well! E-mail - January 18, 2012

So some bad news. No visas for anyone going to Ukraine this transfer. That means we´re all awaiting temporary reassignments, which we´ll get tomorrow. You might think this would be really depressing for a bunch of missionaries who have been in the MTC for 12 weeks learning a really hard language, and you would be right. For the first few days, we were throwing sarcastic comments around, there were tears shed, and fasting and prayer abounded. But after what seemed like an eternity it came time for p-day. Now you should know that while I fasted and prayed for my visa, more often I fasted and prayed for a better attitude. That blessing came today in the temple. After our session I walked out and I was just so happy and excited to be going anywhere that I'm just over the moon.
It's a little stressful because we don't know where or when we'll be going, but I'm confident we're going where the Lord wants us to go. We have a brand new brother in our Branch Presidency, he's even brand new to the MTC. He was just the mission president of the Tennessee Nashville mission and he was telling us that he would tell Salt Lake to send any extra missionaries they had, anyone waiting for visas. When they would come to his mission, he would challenge them to find the reason they were there. So that's what I'm going to do, find the reason behind my temporary assignment.
Well I don't have much time left and I want to leave some time for later so I know when to call so I'll write you a nice long letter today.
I'll check a couple of times today, just let me know when it would be best for me to call you.
Love you,
Sister Daniel

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