
Friday, February 17, 2012

E-Mail -- February 13, 2012

Hello Family,

Well, to answer some questions I did get the Ukrainian dictionary and all of the other visa waiters are really jealous. I was surprised it came so fast! I also got the Valentine's Day package, the chocolate was gone fast. I also got your card. Zach, I got your letter, will be writing you back today. I got a card from Grandma. Sister Friden was ticked because the whole time she was waiting for a package and I got three letters and and two packages when she finally got hers. I have heard that it is extremely cold in Ukraine. I've decided that that is why I'm not there yet. There is a lady in our ward, Sister Butz who informs me of what temperature it is in Ukraine every time I see her. She's a ward missionary, so I see her a lot.

The suitcases. I don't know what happened but the pull handle at the top broke. And I did not pick up the suitcase by it so it should not have broke. I keep forgetting to send you pictures but it happened the night before we left the MTC. As for money. We were reimbursed the $60 for luggage, but I just have it in cash and will keep it that way so I can just pay for luggage with it when we go to Ukraine. I'll send the password to my itunes in a separate email.

What color did you paint my room? Are you putting the furniture back in?

Okay so for my week in the mission. The mission field moves at a rapid pace and I realized very early on that I was going to be tired all of the time. We have several investigators at the moment. A few of them I wish I could take their agency away because they just need to do the right thing! None came to church this week, but I think the Lord knew that was going to happen because he gave us four new investigators. 

One of which we found on the best day of our month. Car fast. Yeah, they actually make us walk around here. Which is interesting because I find that Virginia is even less pedestrian friendly than Kentucky. Well, our part of Richmond isn't as easy to walk around in. So we went full on tracting which we really haven't done since I've been here. It was really intimidating and I've found that about 90% of the population here is Baptist. But at one of my doors we found one of our new investigators. It really bolstered my confidence. There wasn't anyone really rude either, which helped a lot. The one guy who shut the door on us was really weird. We've also been continuously warned about not speaking to the press. Apparently Virginia's primary is coming up and in several other places reporters have sought out missionaries to ask them the opinion of the "Mormons". They told us if someone tries to talk to us, invite them to learn more about Jesus Christ.

There are several investigators and families that I feel like I'm really connecting with and I'm learning a lot here. President Perry told us that they're still expecting our visas around March. Our ward is really active especially the Elders Quorum, they're completely on top of it. We go to Ward Council here. Zach, do you go to ward council in your ward? I find that it is a little frustrating. You really see things you don't really want to know. Mainly like how the auxiliaries really work together. Most of the time it's just funny to see them interact. The first time I saw them all they totally fit the stereotypes. I could tell you exactly who everyone was without being introduced.

Our district is fun, it's us, the district leader and his companion, and the zone leaders. I think the Senior Office sisters might be included as well. 

Well, I have to go. Everything is good. Life of a missionary there are ups and downs. Hopefully I'll have time to write a letter today. Love you!

Sister Daniel

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