
Monday, February 27, 2012

Snow and Daffodils‏ E-mail - February 27, 2012

Hello Family,
Well, Virginia weather is crazy! This week started out with snow,
you'll remember my fun little adventure to the Atlantic, then by
Wednesday it was 80 degrees and the daffodils are blooming! Totally
nuts, and because of it, Sister Jones' allergies are going crazy. One
of the great benefits of our area is that we live in the area with the
mission president and every once in a while he has us over for dinner.
Last night was one of those occasions. Salad is slowly growing on me.
I've discovered I actually like spinach better that other lettuce and
vinaigrette is much nicer than ranch on a salad. Who knew? Sister
Perry made lasagna, which was fantastic I don't know if I'm a
different person or if I was just really hungry. I'm glad the Elders
in your ward finally made it to dinner.
One cool thing about being able to talk to your mission president a
lot is you get to ask him about your visa a lot. He said he keeps
hearing March, so hopefully in the next few weeks we'll be heading
out. He also says he hasn't heard anything in a while, but that's not
unusual. Being a visa waiter has taught me one thing, people are not
as funny as they think they are. Every time we go somewhere for dinner
it never fails that a member has a story about a visa waiter in their
mission who never left. THIS IS NOT FUNNY WHEN YOU'RE WAITING ON A
VISA. Sister Jones now cracks up every time it happens because she
knows it bugs me.
This week is going to be really fun because we get to go on exchanges!
Originally, Sister Jones and I were supposed to go to Farmville, but
after a careful suggestion, there will be two companionships in Bon
Air tomorrow. One of which will be speaking Ukrainian all day. They're
sending Sister Webb up here and she and I will be companions all day.
It's going to be super fun. We have a dinner appointment with her
boyfriend's sister and her family who happen to be in our ward.
Well, this week, like all weeks had its ups and downs. We contacted a
lot of people who seem interested and hopefully our investigator count
will slowly start to come up. Our ward is totally awesome and very
excited about missionary work, we're hoping to increase that
excitement for the work with a 21-day program. You've probably heard
of these where you think of a list of people that could hear the
missionary lessons and you pray about them everyday for 21 days. The
promise is that at least one person on the list will be ready to meet
the missionaries. Now when you're not a missionary, these programs
seem really hokey and annoying, but when you're a missionary, you live
for them because it means your ward will actually think about people
to share the gospel with.
One of the downs was that some our recent converts are going through a
hard time. One in particular has a psycho now ex-boyfriend, who was
our investigator a couple of weeks ago. Another is a 17 year old kid
who is getting shipped to Mexico to live with his dying grandmother
for 4 months. And you thought your life was bad.
On a funny note, our district leader's companion is hilarious. He's
from the Philippines and they have an investigator right now who is
turning into an eternal investigator because she doesn't want to
disappoint her daughters. So we were in the Relief Society room having
district meeting when they were telling us this. We asked them what
their plans were to help her overcome this and he pulls out a butter
knife out of no where and says "We must get rid of the daughters". It
was so funny.
This week was Stake Conference here and it was actually a broadcast to
some of the Eastern States from Salt Lake. Elder Pieper of the 70,
Sister Allred of the Relief Society Presidency, Bishop Burton the
presiding bishop and Elder Richard G Scott spoke. It was awesome.
Elder Pieper talked about the "Mormon Moment", I don't know if you've
heard that term but apparently there's a lot about us in the news
lately. Sister Allred spoke about strengthening families. Bishop
Burton taught on the importance of General Conference. Elder Scott
talked about women and how they're awesome!
Okay, well I don't have any time left. If you talk to grandma I got
her package and it was awesome!! Zach I got your letter, I'll write
you today.
Sister Daniel
Meaghan found out later today that her VISA came through and she will be leaving for the 
Ukraine on Tuesday, March 6th.  She is so excited!!!

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