
Thursday, January 12, 2012

4 Visits, 3 Apostles, 2 More Weeks, and 1 White Christmas! E-mail January 11, 2012

So excuse me if this email is a little crazy, I'm kind of having a panic attack! We found out through Elder Bailey's dad that 3 Ukrainians didn't get their visas. We know Elder Bailey didn't get his, but we don't know who else. I'm trying to keep myself calm, but it's kind of hard. Well, either way we'll know tomorrow because we get our travel plans!!
So let me explain the title of my email. We now have had 4 visits from 3 different apostles! Elder Nelson came and gave our devotional last night. He was here over Thanksgiving, and if you remember the other two we've seen are Elder Christofferson and Elder Bednar. Overall, that has been completely awesome! He talked about the Abrahamic Covenant and he just put some great insight into it for us. 2 More weeks is pretty obvious, hopefully I'll be in Ukraine, pray for me! And the 1 white Christmas might need some explaining. So we got our first significant snowfall this last Saturday. Saturday was January 7th, which is Christmas in Ukraine and Russia. So we're the only one's at the MTC that got a white Christmas here.
Today has been an awesome day. We went to the temple this morning and participated in sealings. So cool!! It was really neat to hear the blessings of those sealed in the temple. There were several older couples that are regulars on Wednesday morning, then me and Sister Moore. A couple we were in there with have a nephew currently serving in our mission. So we found out through them that our mission president allows us to go to the temple in Kyiv once a transfer! Totally Awesome! As we did sealings, we did a lot of family names for that couple. We ended up getting sealed for a Daniel! I don't know whether or not there is a relation but these were their in-laws from England. I was just really cool to hear him say that as were participating in the sealings.
So Mom, you asked about my cold, it's long gone. Just some occasional winter sniffles but that is it! We're assessing what we need to pack for Ukraine and I've come to the decision that I have too much stuff. So this week (hopefully), I'll be sending you my temple clothes and some extra clothes that I don't really need.  I'll send you a letter containing any supplies I may need.
I thought Zach's email was really funny. I want to help pick out a new dog. Of course he would want one when he won't be living at home to take care of it. Who was in that picture with him?
Gotta Go.
Love you.
Sister (Meaghan) Daniel


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