
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hello Hello E-mail - January 14, 2013

Well hello everyone!

I hope your first week of life after holidays has been good. They're still celebrating here! Well, all of the kids are back to school today but today is Old New Year (don't ask me...kind of an oxymoron right?). At least the fireworks have chilled out. That was always the most annoying part. It's kinda hard to sleep when it sounds like bombs are going off. Life in Ukraine is coooolllldddd. It seems like just yesterday we were hoping for cooler weather and now I can only pray for April. The worst part is everyone just keeps saying it will get colder. Yeah, that's exactly what I want to hear.

Thanks for all the ward updates mom, it sounds like things are moving right along there.

Sister Ebeling and I are settling back into our companionship, this week is sister exchanges so I'll be spending some time on left bank. That's the part of Kyiv that's on the right side of the river on a map. I'll be getting to know Sister Russavage, one of our newer sisters.

Nothing really exciting happened this week, it was just normal trying to stay upright in the snow. We sang a musical number in international branch and spoke on missionary work. After having to give talks in Ukrainian, English is a piece of cake, I don't think I'll ever really be afraid to get up and speak ever again.

Staying warm, thinking of you often. Mom, the baptismal record was really cool, I might have a member of the ward look at it for us and see if he knows anything else. Don't get your hopes up, I might not get to that until after my mission, I have a lot of things to do you know.

Got an email from Sister Chang, sounds like she's doing great back in Taiwan. Mom, I can see why you loved her blog after I read her email. She is hilarious, who would have known? I did!!

Have a good week everyone, Zach I hope you feel better, I've got an ear/throat thing going on so I feel you!

Sister Daniel

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