
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hello from the Snow! E-mail January 21, 2013

Hi Everyone!

Okay, so what a week it has been and this one is starting off really fast. Today we're only doing email and doing the rest of p-day on Wednesday, that's because we had so many people who could only meet with us today so we're running literally all over Kyiv, literally. I've already been in Center and back in 3 different areas today! What a workout. Normally when we have days where we just run I know it's a gift from Heavenly Father because mostly likely that morning I didn't run. But this morning we did a really good workout on the stairs and I even did an ab workout. Life on the mission I guess, I'm determined to be healthier when I get home.

We're finding a whole ton of people right now, referrals mostly. Just proves that the ward loves us! And I love them. I'll be really sad if I ever have to leave, some of the best people ever live here. No baptisms on the immediate horizon, but they'll come. We're working on creative contacting in the mission right now. Basically, it's too cold to walk around and get people to talk to you which is our bread and butter here, so we've been challenged to come up with more creative ways to find people. Sister Ebeling and I put our heads together and decided to sing. So we put out a book table and with our district leader and his companion we did some singing of hymns at the metro. It was kind of cool, at least one Book of Mormon disappeared and we had fun. The only downside is that people kept giving us money. So at the end we gave it to one of the beggars that sit at the entrance of the metro. The funny thing was this was Saturday which was an Orthodox holiday, commemorating the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. So then we went around and contacted people by talking about baptism. We didn't do it enough to have a funny story from it, but we did find a new investigator.

Exchanges were great I was with Sister Russavage who is from Chino Hills, CA. She's awesome and so much fun. She taught me how to make brownies from scratch, another new contacting method.

As for the temple, we're allowed to go 3 times a year, so now that the calendar has reset, Sister Ebeling and I are thinking of going soon. Mom, when I get home we'll go to the temple. Often. Speaking of coming home, the release date is MAY 29, 2013. That's a Wednesday I'm pretty sure.

Give Sister Cortez, Rose, and Candy big hugs from me. I've been thinking of them.

Zach thanks for the email, I'll respond next week. John, still haven't heard anything from your end in a while ;).

All's good in the mission. LOVE YOU!

Sister Daniel

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