
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving, A Service Project, and One and a Half Apostles E-mail Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dear Mom, John and Zach,
Well, week 2 over and done here at the MTC. You may be wondering about the title of my email. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, everyone who works here says it's going to be awesome. We get our big meal during lunch time and then are doing sack dinners. The reason for this, besides the fact that everyone should be able to go home and spend time with their families is because we're doing a huge service project! We're making medical kits that will go all over the world. It's really cool to see all the missionaries doing the same thing. We really lucked out because our p-day is today and then there's no class tomorrow. It's like two p-days in a row! Now you might be wondering about the last part of my title. Well, last night was devotional and we got a special visit from Elder D. Todd Christofferson. (that's one apostle) And the hype is that either Elder Holland or Bednar will be here tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Apparently Elder Holland has come the last two Thanksgivings so that's the big guess.
Mom, I did get the Symphony Bar, and I had to laugh when I read your email about sending it because I knew from the lack of a note in the package that you were probably in a hurry when you sent it out. So I don't know if you guys knew this, but Dear Elder was down part of this weekend; so yesterday, we all got a bunch of letters at once. Rachael, it was so great to hear from you, I'll try to write you back snail mail before you leave North Carolina.
Zach I read your emails. Companions are hard, even the ones you like, Sister Moore is pretty much the sweetest person, but even she and I have our moments. All I can say is I found this quote by Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley "Get on your knees and plead for help, then get on your feet and get to work." Everything will work out. I know it's hard, I had a total meltdown in the middle of class this week because I was so overwhelmed, but I know it gets better. Zach I'm living in 17M and I have class in 10M with all of the Russians, Germans, Italians, and English as a second language, although it looks like the Russians may be taking over. The week before Christmas there are 53 new Russian speakers coming in!!!
I'm really excited about spending holidays here actually. The sisters were talking and I think it's easier to be here for three months now, then in the middle of the summer. On that note, we have had snow, though nothing stuck, today is actually a gorgeous day!!! We have to teach tonight, but I'm even looking forward to that, it's our first TRC. (I'll explain this in my snail mail letter). The food here is great, but there's something to be said that missionaries tend to gain weight in the MTC, it's not hard. As for Ukrainian. I think one of the hardest things I have ever done is try to learn Ukrainian. I think it is particularly difficult because it's a whole bunch of new sounds. Sometimes it feels like there's just a lot of phlegm in your throat.
My snail mail letter, which is already written has a bit of a discouraging note to it, bear in mind I hadn't even been up for an hour. It was really early, and I'm just telling it as it is. No one in our zone has gone home yet, on a good note. Although I know there's at least one sister in the other Ukrainian district (one of my roommates) that is really struggling. I think she holds herself to an impossible standard, as only a woman could do and is getting overwhelmed trying to live up to it. We've decided that all of the sisters just need to sit down and talk it out, let her know she's not the only one who has meltdowns. We had to walk off Sister Moore's the other day and mine in the middle of class was pretty embarrassing. Luckily we have the best Elders who put up with all of our emotions. Well, that's it,  30 minutes goes fast. Love you!
Sister Daniel

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