
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The More You Know, The Funnier Your Fall‏! Email - Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hello Family!
It's time for another email. I started my snail mail letter this morning during laundry so hopefully I won't be too repetitive. I got Zach's package! It was AWESOME!! I was the envy of both Ukrainian districts! He sent me a bunch of candy and cotton candy and a little stuffed "King Julien" from the movie Madagascar. We decided that his name is Volodymir and he is the only Ukrainian lemur in the whole world, he's now the district mascot and sits on top of the white board. So we've discovered that you can't attach pictures to emails here at the MTC, but I just got some printed and will be sending them home in my letter today. Sounds like your weather there is starting to get crazy. It has snowed here a couple of times, nothing sticking. It just gets pretty chilly and is really dry.
So it was quite the exciting week here at the MTC over Thanksgiving. Our apostle count is now at a solid two. Elder Russell M. Nelson and his wife came to speak to us. They were so powerful. We then worked on our service project. It was putting together 8000 medical kits and sending them around the world. Our zone's job was to put the actual boxes together and then send them down the line to be filled. We were done really early so we got to sing Christmas carols until we were done. At the end of our night we got to enjoy the film "17 Miracles". Overall, it was one of my best days here. We did have turkey, but Mom's is much better.
Last night at devotional we heard from Elder Yamashita of the 70. You might remember him from General Conference in October, he talked about missionaries. He and his wife don't speak very much English but it was a testament to those of us learning a language that it's really the spirit that you have that counts. Sister Yamashita challenged all of us to write 100 good things about our companions. I've made it a goal that I'm going to do that for everyone of my companions on my mission. Sister Moore (my companion) and I have decided that we're going to write out the 100 things and give them to one another in a sealed envelope to be opened in our first areas. We figure it will be a good uplifting thing that we'll probably need when we first get to Ukraine. Speaking of Sister Moore, she is a total hand sanitizer junkie, so Mom in my Christmas package would you mind including some sort of hand sanitizer gift for her.
So you may be wondering about the title of my email. Well, what we've found in learning a new language is that the more you take risks and learn the funnier the outcome can be. It all started with Elder Call. We were learning how do describe our families and he called his brother "delicious" instead of "funny". Then during a lesson with our investigator, Sister Moore kept saying that God loves Heavenly Father instead of God is our Loving Heavenly Father. She was so distraught that I had to teach the rest of the lesson, that and the fact that our investor/teacher couldn't stop laughing when Sister Moore talked. Then Elders Ward and Schraedel had two mishaps with their investigator. First they wanted her to read Doctrine and Covenants 9:8-9 (read that first) INSTEAD they read Moroni 9:8-9. HILARIOUS!!! Then they told her that bishops only talk to little people. Basically, the more we know, the funnier the fall.
So I have a challenge for everyone, they made us do this in class. Start a concept map with the title "My Conversion" in the middle and then think of moments that inspired and continued your conversion. It's a really good way to evaluate your spiritual self, are you still being converted? The most important lesson we were supposed to take from this exercise is that the mission should be the best 18mo/2yrs FOR your life, not OF your life!!
Sister Daniel

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