
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Letter - November 21, 2011

Dear Family,

(An excerpt from Meaghan's letter home)!

Sister Moore, my companion is pretty much the nicest person I've ever met.  She's extremely patient and even tempered.  She is a great blessing to me.  I'm not just writing this because she's sitting right next to me either!!  It's kind of the joke that she gets so much mail, the Elders have started teasing her that they're going to white out her name and address it to themselves.  Our Elders are awesome, they are so good with the language and help us all the time.  Elder Cazanave is quiet, but has a great sense of humor and is very kind.  His companion is Elder Call, I think this is funny because they're the two  that skyped with me.  Elder Call is very energetic and is NEVER quiet!  Elder Schraedel is from Prove, he's a great guy who is a genius and really quick with the language.  His companion is Elder Ward a pretty laid back guy from LA.  They are all great and fun.  The Sisters I'm living with are awesome.  Sister Ebeling is from Pennsylvania.  She and her younger brother came in the same day, and since he's serving in Russia, he's in our zone!  His classroom is right next to ours!  Sister Bradshaw is gorgeous and so nice, she plays piano and great comedic timing.  Sisters Webb and Lnizany make my day all the time, they are so funny.  They are  23 and 22 respectively so I don't feel like I'm older than everyone else.  We all get along so well.  It's kinda scary.

Well, right now in class we're teaching an "investigator" named Svetlana, (she's really a teacher here, but I don't know if she knows that we know she is).  We've been teaching her in Ukrainian, the first day was a little rough because it was our second day in the MTC, but it's been going much better.  Tonight we'll be teaching her about the Restoration and Joseph Smith. 

The food here is great, I can see why they say you gain weight here.  Fortunately Sister Weldo has the AB workout that all the girls are doing.  We call it ABS of CMEPT (death).  Plus I play volleyball every day.  Every week we write a letter to our Branch President, apparently that continues into the Mission field, with your Mission President.  Well, P-day is almost over, we have dinner then class (during which we teach our investigator) so I'm going to close this letter with I lover you!


Sister Meaghan Daniel

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