
Sunday, January 6, 2013

An Early P-day Morning‏ E-mail - December 31, 2012

Hello Everyone,

Well, Christmas (our Christmas) has come and gone and the good news is, Ukrainians celebrate holidays the whole month of January basically. Jan 1, tomorrow is New Years, the big holiday in Ukraine. Then the 7th is Christmas here, then the 14th is Old New Year. Basically January is one big party. This can also make missionary work more difficult and we've been warned to keep all diligence in the month ahead.

It was so great to see all of you! I didn't get in trouble, it's just that Sister Ebeling wanted to skype and then she told that to Sister Klebingat and I had no idea how long I had been on, so it was just coordinating with everyone.

So right now we're in a "tripanionship" Sister Ebeling is with me, but we also have Sister Karpenko with us, she's waiting on her companion, she'll have a short-term missionary this transfer and they'll be ready to go in a couple of days. It's been to merge personalities, but honestly I'm getting to the point where there is just too many people in the apartment. It's amazing how much junk you have when there is just one more of you. That and I've just been really easily annoyed all week. That might have been because I've been like deathly ill.

Basically, Wednesday night I just crashed. It was a flu bug and I was up all night throwing up, I can't remember the last time I was that sick. We ended up having to stay inside for  two days straight. Luckily we have some awesome members who came and would take Sister Ebeling to a lesson and bring her back. Our elders were also really helpful in giving blessings and bringing medicine and sprite.

But as for Christmas, we woke up and opened presents. Sister Karpenko didn't have anything to open and is not used to the American celebration of Christmas so we made her open a few of our presents, she thought it was fun. I was so happy with all of my presents, thank you so much.

Just before Christmas we had a baptism, her name is Valya and she is so fun. She showed up for her baptism in leather pants. We knew she didn't have any skirts so we gave her a few from the office, she seemed really happy with them and showed up to church the next day in a skirt, only it wasn't one we had given her, and it was leather. Fun.

Sending you a couple of pictures...I hope, okay so I forgot my cord to connect the camera to the computer. I'm so sorry please don't kill me. I'll try next week.


Sister Daniel

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